Sunday, December 11, 2011

I am a Model for Jesus

I’m a Model for “ JESUS”

1 Timothy 4:6-16 ( NIV)

If you point these things out to the brothers and sisters,[a] you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed. 7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.

11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

April’s Words:

When I started to write out this blog, the Lord was heavy on my spirit for this calling that has been placed upon my life far exceed the comprehension of my mind.

The way of this existence is changing, for God is calling all of his Jesus models to step out and serve God in the ways of the Gospel.

We are blessed to be able to have such a greatness in the realms of the heavens that can spring fourth so much in abundance in the spirit of life and love.

I am just grateful to share with those of you who are reading this blog, that God is about to propel you to places you have never seen before.

When you make the decision that you will give up all the worldly desires and corruption of this world, you will see a life that is of beauty and goodness that only the Good Lord can deliver.
See the world likes to tell us that things are hopeless, well guess what we don’t serve the world we serve God, and it’s Victory in Jesus.

God is looking for those who have been equipped and called to serve, do not be afraid of what you are starting to feel, many of us one being myself look in the mirror everyday, and I do not recognize the person who went to sleep the night before.

The lord is chiseling us, he is sculpting us for greatness to do things that you could not have imagined even if you thought of it yourself, for God is a big God and he exceeds our own expectations.

Those of who walk in accordance to the will of God, will receive profound favor, now I am not talking about counterfeit Christians, see we have many counterfeits that are out their in the pretending game only on Sundays, well you who walk when you want to show off, God sees and knows all. In these times that we are coming into we will be able to see the impostors.

Now, when we talk about the Lords favor I am talking about a favor of knowing that by Faith and in Hope you will set out and be blessed in abundance to do all that you have been called to do.

The father will do this in two’s so don’t be surprised if you start linking up with people who have been called to serve.

Your mission partner will be soul mate for Christ, a best friend of Christ, a missionary of Christ. The lord has big surprises in store for his children, this walk with God is the most beautiful you will experience.

We are going and feeding the children of God, we are bringing Love and Peace and Joy in expression of the blood that was placed on the Cross for you and for me.

We are heir to a throne that is by far the greatest that one has ever seen before. I speak this word on your life in the knowing that God has and will bring you to the fore front of all great things. You must give up the way of the world, and the materialistic strong hold that it has on you, and walk in purity and certainty that God has equipped you for greatness.

Keep in mind that are not on this journey, so stay clear of the negative and toxic impostors who claim Victory but live in darkness.

We must pray harder for them that God will bring them the deliverance of evil and to replace it with Love.

In these next few weeks and months and throughout this next year God is about to bring Light into the world in a fast moving way, I am so excited to be apart of the spread of the Good news and the love that is going to reach out into the world. My future husband and I will do great things and we will work in accordance to the mission God has called upon us. I look forward to working with many of you, because so many are being called and I am honored to know, that models of Jesus walk in agreement to the father so let us all sign the contract to follow Jesus!

I---------April Nicole Williams----------------------------------------------- have decided to be a follower of Jesus.

God bless us all: Be Ready to receive the blessings of the lord and in all of his greatness you will reap harvest of love, prosperity and Joy and Happiness in all the divineness of the laws of God.

One Love One Blood shed for you and me

April Nicole

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Disciple of Christ

“ Being A True Disciple of Jesus”

“ Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my father in heaven. But everyone denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my father in heaven” Mathew 10 32-33

I don’t know how many times that I have walked around and told people about the lords good news.

We serve such an awesome God that in all things that he bring before us it is one for the advancement of his kingdom.

The time is coming that we will be made to choose the side that we are on, in this walk with God you are either in or out. We can not follow the laws of the world, and say we follow God.

You will begin to see how following God comes at a price, the father has told us in his word that it is not easy, but the reward is stored in heaven nor here on earth.

The moment we decide to follow God your life will never be the same, you will notice the chiseling of your mind, body and soul. You will look at the world through the eyes of God and you will see the truth in all things.

The bible is the manual of stepping into the realms of God, it outlines the core of Faith that is needed to walk with path of Goodness.

The motives of the heart is the connection to God and his love. The way of this world is changing everyday, the father is waking us up, and he will use all that he can to steer his children into love and humanity.

The life of God is the communion of a truth that you have been called to do something with your gifts and talents for the kingdom of God.

When I sit and think about all of the ministries that we have in the gifts and the talents, I think about God and how he sits and watches us to see if we have awakened to why we have been a certain skill.

If you are a good at public speaking: Speak for God.

If you are good at make-up volunteer for cancer patients to help them feel good about themselves.

If you are singer: Sing for the lord and inspire those through music.

See when we follow the dictates of God we no longer have to waste time doing those things God has placed obstacles before you. We are heirs to our fathers throne and by following we unlock the full potential of what it is we have been called to do.

In the next few months we are about to see significant changes in all things, God is restoring, he is healing and he is placing you in a state of wholeness with him.

Many things that have been blocked will become open once you decide that God is the teacher and you are the student.

Many of us are being called out into the mission fields. Ye not be afraid for our God will provide all and who and what we need to complete the task at hand. Don’t be surprised if one morning you wake and be told you are called to another country..In my book I pray it’s Greece. The father needs workers “ The harvest is great, but the workers are few”

So let us begin to feel the presence of the lord, start fasting and mediating, stay in the word of God, the personal relationship with God and the hearing heart to him, will be all that will lead you on this path.

Many of us have been called with certain people to go out on this mission, it will make sense once you step out on the faith. Don’t’ worry about the worldly possession for in a blink of an eye God can take all away, but the one thing we will have is the Faith in now and the hope for tomorrow.

Remember that I love you and so does God, and the new way of life is upon us, and the Victory is in Jesus, this is a beautiful transition for humanity for us all, and nothing that satan can do will take away what God has promised!! Receive it all in Jesus name!

April Nicole ( Soldier for Christ)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Soldiers for Christ ( Please Stand Up )

Soldiers for Christ “ Please Stand Up “

2 Tim. 2:3 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (NIV)

When we accepted this contract with God, he didn’t say that it would be easy. However

We know that in all things when we walk with God there is know limits to what he will do for his children. When we say that we trust God, we can not be wavering in our faith, in the times that are coming before us, God is looking for his real soldiers. When you have a dream that is in alignment according to the fathers will; he will bring that dream to pass just in his time.

Psalm 37:7-9

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. (NLT)
Now, the end of this passage says it all “ but those who trust in the lord will possess the land” Now, I really want you to ponder on that….See, the father has already gave us ownership to his inheritance, so why do we act as if we are defenseless” Most of us if we were given all that we desired in our hearts you wouldn’t know what to do it. That is why God has a set time for us to reap the harvest. It’s just like with any sport to obtain the gold medal you have to train, and the training is not a couple of days, it takes months sometimes even years. To be a soldier of God and to do his works we must be adequately trained.

This mission assignment that many of us are being called into your armor must be locked and loaded. The times as we know it are changing, and for those of us who claim there is Victory in Jesus we will be held accountable on how we walk.
The world will not offer us this joy, and peace and abundance.

God will give us the ultimate riches, and I will tell you the world does not offer it. You have been called with a higher purpose of serving. The complacent life style you were once accustomed to is drifting away, the moment you signed the contract with God you gave him total and complete acquisition of your life, so it will never be the same.

Being apart of this great change you will see your cup will overflow, you will develop spiritual riches beyond human understanding, and trust me people will want what you have, and the beauty behind that want is to receive. ( Christ)
Does it come with some chiseling and humbling to be a warrior of Christ, yes it does ! When you glean in your fathers land you will be faced upon the adversary but God is a just God and he protects his own. You will start to see the blessings of God being placed on you despite of what the world says. We are not followers of the world news, we are being led by the Word news!

I am calling out of all of Gods children, let us start to do our parts and be involved, you have a mission on your heart to serve, Give God something to bless and watch him step up and show out.
Every desire that you have placed in your heart that God has approved you will see the power that God will bring. Remember you also have his power, the way you tap into is by fasting, ( NEVER MAKE A PUBLIC ANNOUCNCEMENT THAT YOU ARE FASTING )
It is to be done in a manner of humility and secrecy.

Matthew 6:16-18 "Moreover when ye fast, be not as the hypocrites,
of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear
unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou,
when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear
not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret ..."

Now, I know most of you especially those of us who are single, we must refrain from sexual immorality ( Yeah, it's time to get married for those of us who can't control ourselves, and marry the one the lord has chosen. In order to hear from the father you have to submit to the challenges that consume our bodies that doesn’t allow us to hear from God, See Satan will use all he can to distract you from this mission; I know it is challenging but the reward you will obtain is far greater.

Food :

Watch the things we place in our bodies. These are our temples, think about it like being your car, will you put vinegar in your car and drive ? So, let's not but the toxins of fast food, and processed food, let us get on fruits and vegetable. The Lord is chiseling us,

Prayer: Prayer is essential for these change in times, if we have enough time to talk on face book, let’s start a prayer hour on face book! We need prayer for one another and most of all we must pray for those who have never learned the Gospel.
In the coming months and into the new year we will start to see rapid changes, and all these changes are toward an enlighten planet.

I am honored to write this blog tonight, our Father is good, and the way he will send us out will blow your minds. Enjoy everyday spend it Joy and rejoicing for our Father, get ready to step into your purpose. Not the way that you think, see God has a greater plan on how he bring things to fruition.

This is a great time we are in as Gods children, and remember It’s not always easy, but the reward you get for being a soldier of God is his purple heart and that is priceless!!

One Love One Blood shed for you and me !!

April Nicole

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Hearing Heart To Jesus

Psalm 37:7-9
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. (NLT)

What better way for me to open this blog, then to go from this passage in Psalm 37

" Be Still in the presence" When we are still in the presence of God we are lead in his leading toward the promises that God has placed before you.

The way of this world would like to distract you from the hearing heart of Jesus. That still small voice lives in each and every one of us that have chosen to follow God and not man.

When we start to place value in what others do and say about us, that is what satan uses to attack. These times that are before us will bring to light the Gospel of the Lord and his leading and commands.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (NKJV)

" But Those who wait on the lord" When we wait on the lord we give him the lead that in all things that he will do, it will be toward the mark of showing you all that he has destined before you. Many of you right now, are going through things or you feel as though you are spinning your wheels in a certain situation, and the reason for this, is based on you not giving control to God.

See, God did not tell us that we were in control, what he did gives us was free will. When we make choices for ourselves without consulting God first we are catapulted in a place were we allow the forces of opposition to redirect us from God, and that is not what God had planned for us. If we are busy doing what we want, we forget about the stillness and the direction we get from God showing us what he needs from us.

1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (NIV)

" Love is patient" If God has placed a promise in your heart, you must give him the Glory and the space of inner direction to bring it to past. So many of us, have forgotten that God doesn't just want to give you a mate, he wants to give you the other half of you, that together will make a whole. When we say we Love; rather if it's our mates or the loved ones, we must take into consideration this contract agreement that we have made with God. God takes account of our hearts and what lives inside the heart, this is a new season and the lord is about to surprise the masses of his devotion. ( Trust his lead)

2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (KJV)

" Behold all things become new" The moment you signed that agreement with God, you signed a golden covenant. See The Father takes account in all things that have been done to you, and that you have done while living in the realms of the world. The moment you decided to follow him, you gave him the authority of your life, and by doing so, you are new manifestation of him. So why do you doubt child ? God wants to exceed your expectation, he wants to use you for the Glory of his kingdom, we are not to let man steer us unto his path but Follow God. This message is directed for those who have been called to serve, we are seeing a shake up in the churches based on hearts that have not been following the laws of God, it will be exposed. The lord always protects his house and his children.

We have to remain vigilant on what we entertain, we can not serve God and the world.

Hearing hearts to Jesus, will walk you on the path of his Glory. The Riches that come with obedience is much more sacred than the riches of the world. When you are calm and in still you feel his Grace, you see his Mercy, you are Rich in Joy and Abundance follows you. The next year will be a challenging year for those who seek after the world, step out of the 3 rd dimensional thinking, and rise forward in the following of God which is Faith !

“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).

God is speaking to you right now, will you be obedient and listen, for what the lord is speaking to you, will be the leading of the new place he is calling you.

God bless us all, and get ready for change. We are coming into the end of the world as we know it, and now will step into the forefront of what faith, hope, and love is really all about.

Remember I love you and so does God!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The November of Splendor

Destiny : For one to know the greatest gift of love is to know that the lord has entrusted us with this guarantee of something that is greater than ones self.

November 2011:

In this upcoming month, God is bringing about some awakenings that is enriched through loads of wake up calls for the masses.

This is time that we will begin to see how God has been watching over his children and bringing before you everything that has been placed upon your heart.

More than ever this is a season of restoration and healing. These past 4 years the world has been put through trials and tribulation, but when you look back and look at the favor that the lord has had upon you it's to be praised.

November is the month and all will be shown to us in a greater way of understanding. In the times that we are entering going into 2012 God is pushing us from the confinement of our comfort zones.

It is time that we truly appreciate the value of this existence and all the beauty and splendor we have been given. Many of us have been tested we have things happened to us that have made us second guess if what we have been doing if it has been in the will of God.

God loves his children and he wants the best for you, and he will never bring anything before you if he felt as though you would not be able to handle it.

This is the time of so many realities of life especially in love. When God becomes number one in your life he can heal and restore something that to the world eye seemed so broken.

This month is about unexpected surprises and God is bringing all to you. Don't sit on your dream, grab a hold of it and take it and allow God to bring it to fruition, if you have been holding back from Love, let your heart Go and see what God will bring to you.

Never under estimate the works of God, behind the scenes he is working things out to your advancement, you must trust him. When God told you that he would never forsake you, he meant it for his children that as you place him in the forefront of your life you will see Joy like no other Peace that is to be cherished for our father is always on time.

As you reflect back and look at the start of 2011 you will see that all that God was doing was lining up the puzzle pieces of the journey of your life.

This is a wedding season of love into 2012 we are not just marrying our mates we marrying into the agreement of the life that is now about to manifest for you.

I love the change of the season because God always brings beauty in the splendor of his love. You are a beautiful creation of God, and he will bring you his love and devotion and the way it will change your life the glow upon ones face will show that the lord lives in you.

Be ready for the messages of God and look out for the over flow of his blessings. The best is yet to come for us, all change is one for the advancement of you. Allow the flow of change, and receive the blessings with Praise and Thanksgiving, God is about to exceed your expectations.

Remember I love you and so does God!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Change, The World As We Know It

Change : The world as we know it !

" It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ "
2nd Corinthians 1:21

When I started to write out this blog, I began to pray. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would take complete control over the words I am about to write.

The world as we know it is, changing and we see that throughout the head lines that we watch in our news.

However; the way they want us to live is in complete and total fear of the change, and this wrong. God is now calling us, and he is waking us up in many ways, some of these changes may seem painful, but we know as followers of Christ, God will never forsake us.

" He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others, when they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given to us " 2nd Corinthians 1:4

This is a time that we are now going to tap into the power of our Faith and the assurance of Hope. In order for things to change God has to reshape the world as we know it, to bring us into the light.

Greed and Sin and has taken over; The Change that is before us is one of beauty and splendor in the eyes of God. We must come back to the place God built this earth on, and that is love. We as Gods children are accountable for what we do and how we live.

These are times when reflection is key, when we ask ourselves are we doing our part? What Can I do to help bring about world change ? To be a world changer, doesn't mean you have to do something Global, you can start in your own community.

So, many people are hurting more than ever. Maybe it can be as small as feeding a family. Donating clothes that you no longer wear. Taking someone to church with you on a Sunday.

It's funny when we look at these small little acts of kindness, it may not seem as much, but to the person who is in need it seems like world to them.

God is wanting us to step out of these comfort zones, stop letting the media scare you, all we need to Fear is God, when we fear him then we hold our selves accountable for all that we do.

The walk with God is one of eternity, it is the truth that something so beautiful awaits his children who have followed him.

God wants to bless us all why we are here, blessings are not just the things you can buy, or the money you have, it's based on the assurance that you can live life free from the bondage of the material and learn to value the physical.

The love for man kind as a whole, God has equipped us with all we need to survive, and in these tough economic times God is showing us were the core values of our existence will rest.

But we must be open to the leading of God, and the rebuilding stage of this world.

We are so very blessed, even in the times of the greatest despair God is using it to propel us to a closeness to him.
Satan will lie and tell you, that you can't over come. God tells you it's Victory in Jesus.

The moment you open your heart and you receive the love of God you have already moved your self one step closer to eternal life. Obedience is key and the motive of your heart, don't follow into temptation but follow the laws of the word.

The Holiday season will bring about a Grace and Mercy and Love in the masses, God is calling us to understand the real reasons and the burdens that Jesus endured on that Cross, he paid the price for us all already and the way we repay him is by following him, and laying down our lives of this world and learning the word and applying it.

You will see your life change, and you will rise higher in all things you do according to the fathers will.

You seek a job, see the job God has called you to do. You seek to be married, watch the spouse God has chosen, they will meet you were you stand ( in right standing with God )

Your needs will be provided for, and the things that have no value God will move away for he protects his always.

" We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors. We are ignored, even though we are well known. We live close to death, but we are still alive. We have been beaten, but we have not been killed. Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing,and yet we have everything "

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time, so the loves that cross your path and invest time in the now.
I love you and so does God.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Golden Touch of God

The true riches of God may be withheld if we are not being faithful with unrighteous mammon!

Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury:

Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest; for He is kind unto the thankful and to the evil.

God created gold, it belongs to Him.

Genesis 2:12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

Haggai 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

The Golden Message:

Welcome to a new month of the Glory of God ! Praise Him ! I will shout it again! Praise him ! As, I type this blog my soul is on a mission to get this word out to let all of you know " We have stepped into Harvest" This is a season like no other, for the new cycle has begun.

This is a time were all prayers and miracles will manifest themselves in away that bring light to your heart that the lord lives and he has brought you here on earth to embrace the abundance that he set fourth for his children who love him and receive him.

This is the Golden message of love and his light, the Father is doing something so profound for his children that I am so excited in the spirit to send this message out I can hardly compose myself, we are on the brinks of a change within our universe that will bring about more workers for the kingdom of heaven.

This is restoration time, for what Satan thought he took from you, God was replacing it and giving you greater than what you had before, see when you were in the wilds of the world you couldn't see through the lenses of God. Now, your eyes have been restored and you are no longer blind so you can see your blessings and share them with all your brothers and sisters.

You will not borrow you will lend, for the lord has given you the power in his decree to speak the blessings on your life, your cup is running over. I am so happy to be able to deliver the message to all of you that are questioning and doubting if the lord will get you out of your situation, he already has delivered you from that burden they moment you prayed and asked him to Guide you.

That man or woman you have been praying for is coming, see soul mates are positioned in the heavens when we are in alignment to God he brings fourth the mate to walk with you on this journey toward the mark of serving God. You will see things so much clearer as you continue to place our creator front and center.

I feel like Santa Claus right now, for I see all of the blessings we have been given and will get during this next season of Harvest. This is the Golden touch of God in his hands he has proclaimed to you that he will never for sake you. Open your hands and follow his leading and see what you will be given.

I just want to thank God for all of us, that he has entrusted to us his power his guidance his laws of nature in the creation of his animals and oceans of simplicity that is within reach of us all who are in tune to the laws of motion of creation.

This is a new thing God is doing and this era as we know it, will change and a new life will begin as we all continue to draw closer to God and spread his Gospel we will see days like no other.

Remember all this week watch for the blessings they are coming like a freight train, Love is in season and it will come as a completion of a puzzle piece that was missing.

Embrace this time that is before us and enjoy every moment in the splendor of " NOW"

Take the time time love all around you, and never be so quick to judge anything and any one, for we never we can be entertaining Jesus himself"

I love you and so does God !

Sunday, September 18, 2011

" Allow God Shift Your Mind"

16 For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 17 If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. 18 What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel. ( 1ST Corinthians 9:16-18)

This past week was a very challenging week for me, my body was tested in the grandest way and in all that the sickness brought to me, God used it to awaken something pro found in me.

As, I write this blog I am crying with tears of the lords mercy and grace that he has given to us. When I read this scripture and I think about the urgency the apostle Paul must have felt as he is leading people into the truth of what we see happening and can happen in the body of Christ.

The world as we know it will soon be changed along with the lies of satan that he has bestowed upon so many. When I was laying in my bed and meditating and feeling the cleansing of my body into the new birth and higher sphere that many of us are getting ready to transition in to my heart leads with one of urgency that it is time that we stop allowing the dictates of the world to make you conform to truths that are not of the Lord.

God has given us the power in the Holy spirit to discern the truth from the lies, the reality from the FALSIFIED ILLUSION OF WHAT IS BEING TOLD TO YOU. It is time that we stop blaming others for the truth of what is given to you, and start to look at the choices that you are making. We have no more time to waste, in order to change the condition of this your world and move closer to God, we must act! You can't sit still and be ok, with the world and what it is trying to tell you.

The word of God will give you all you need to move closer out of this dimension of touch, taste, feel and emotion. These are things that satan will use to trip you up.

The two things that we must cling to is " HOPE & FAITH " they go hand in hand to the land of " LOVE= ETERNITY" In the times that are coming before us, our free will is in a state of guidance. Who wants to be left behind ? No one! You have a choice to make, you can either choose to go with the creator or you can shift your mind to the wilds of satan.

This is not what TV and media propaganda wants you to believe, you must start to educate ones self on GOD...The church is a place to go and be fed in the body of Christ and to serve the lord with your gifts. It's not a perfect place, however in the word of God is the truth and not made and placed on MAN! it's the truth !! Your walk with God is what will shift all you know into all you need to know!

As, I sit here and write I feel the power of God in the typing of these words. That we all need to take a stand and start to go back into scripture and read and meditate on the word of God. YOU ARE BEING CALLED TO MAKE A SHIFT OF CHANGE TO ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD TO PLACE YOU IN THE DWELLINGS OF WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED.

You will start to see doors open and doors close. You will start to see more people wanting to get out of the darkness and into the core of light. You will start to see falsified relationships dissolve based on lies of truth that has been distorted.

Be ready for the next season of CHANGE...God wants us all to know he loves us, and in truth we need to get back to the love for one another and build a society of hope, peace and faith. Let go of the past and all the sin that was there, I know first hand on who I use to be, and I thank God every day that Satan can no longer use that to hurt me. Because God has accepted and forgiven us the moment we allowed him to come in.

So, since he has why not give him all of you !! Wait till you see the rewards that are stored in the Kingdom of heaven for those who love him.

God bless us, and remember that I love you and so does God.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

" Agreement With God " Sign The Papers

" Agreement With God " Sign The Papers
1 Corinthians 11:24-26

New International Version (NIV)

24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Everyday that I awaken in the mornings, I give praise to what God did for us. The moment that we accepted him into our hearts we made a covenant to God that we will honor and obey the commandments that have been sent fourth to us.

Today as I took the lords supper, my soul felt that feeling of the moment the lord sat with his disciples and the teaching that he had given to them, it humbles you to think that no matter what he was about to endure he still held on to the teachings and for them to go out and tell the people that the greatest gift we can have is love.

Not the worldly love but a love that is greater than ones self. When we sign the agreement with God we are saying No! to the ways of this world, and saying Yes ! to the ways of God.

This road has many challenges but the reward is not stored here, it's awaiting us the day we see our fathers face.

You are chosen to come here to do something profound in this world, you must not loose the focus of the gifts and talents that have been entrusted to you. Don't let your past corrupt your future, when you accept the lord and you trust in him, you will see the way your life will unfold to greatness.

Most of us spend time worrying about the things that God said to you in his word that he will provide, see a contract is being laid out and the terms of the agreement is as follows " Philippians 4:17 :

" Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many who's conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. They are headed for destruction "

We are the light workers of this world those who have accepted the call, you do not have to worry about how you will do the work just accept the call and sign the agreement and follow God !

In the coming days you will see the world change as you know it, and the more you turn to God you will have no worries about the tomorrows you will see the grace of God and his mercy take you to high places.

Don't look to the world to give you peace when the peace you seek is already within you the moment that you accepted Christ into your heart.

You are the instrument of truth and the embodiment of Love and together with faith you will set out and make a change in the world.

I am pleading the blood of Jesus on all of you, and I asked that you continue to read your word and learn that personal relationship that God gives to his children who choose to follow him.
When we walk with God, you will always reach your destination.

Remember I love you and so does God !

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He Touched Me !

He Touched Me !

"November 2009" waking up from a dream, I remember all to well, that moment I will never forget in my life another three words, that will now bring a greater understanding to what has happened to me.

" Shattered Into Whole" I woke up and I remember asking the lord what does this mean ? He said in spirit " Child I had to break you, to make you whole to me " and now, I have done this your life will never be the same.

It's true, once the Lord grabs a hold of your life, it's never the same. All the old ways of doing things are no longer. You have a strength within you, that is even greater than ones self. You enter into this stage of the knowing that God can and will do the most profound things in your life.

Good enough becomes a map toward discovery that leads to the valley of purpose. You see that the glass is half full and not empty, see in the eyes of the lord when he touches you, all things become possible.

You now live for helping your fellow man, your discernment changes, you see all good and evil inside of people, and you now try and live a life that for some it seems far and away, because now the life you live is not of this world but of the love for God.

You are no longer this leaf just flying by with who ever and what ever, you are a strong man or woman of God and now that this wholeness is through the relationship that you have with God.

See, when most people turn to God, they are brought their by hurt and pain, and no longer in control in the realization " you never was in control" you just chose to follow your ways instead of God. Then it started to unravel and you looked in the mirror and saw the image that was staring back at you his name is " truth" and by meeting truth, you have now unlocked the key to " freedom".

In the motivational counseling that I do and will do for so many in the next few years, I would like to help you become touched by the Lord, to show you as you surrender you will see your life unfold, their will not be the judgment that others will have on you based on their " un truths" they have acquired in their lives of judging. When the lord touches you, you will gather that what is best for the greater good of this existence.

The time is now, when we will begin to see, more people in an awakening stage, and the moment you start asking the lord why ? and how ? that is when you will see the change occur. The lord is asking us to surrender our ways to his and pick up your cross and follow him.

He can touch you any where in your life, you can be driving home from work, you can be at work, you can be in a bar, in a club, you can be in you true moment of despair, and that's when you will feel the hand of God on your heart, and saying " dear child follow me " and that touch will be one that you have never felt before, and once it happens your life will never be the same.

People search a life time to try and find happiness, when the happiness has already been discovered the moment you asked God into your heart. Now, it starts to make sense that all you have ever done, God was along side of you, and he used it all to bring you to this point of total surrender.

In these next few months and years, all of us will feel the touch of God, but few will accept it, we are being called to do greater for works for the Kingdom of God, it's more than just four walls it's a walk that will take you places you never thought you would go. God is using you, and he is taking you outside of the restrictions of the mind.
Follow him, and allow him to direct your steps " For I know the plans I have for you " Jeremiah 29:11

( The moment I started to write this blog, so much came upon my spirit, that who ever took the time to read this, they are at a place of feeling that touch, but still feel as though they have done to much in the world to accept the call. Satan is a liar! There is no truth in him, God chooses ordinary people, to do extraordinary things, the more you trust him and allow him to have his way you will see your life transform.

This is a season of his grace and mercy, the world may be in chaos but God is in " peace" he knows what we need and not what we want, this time here on earth is a fraction of the time that we will have once we embrace eternity )
Remember un expected blessing come at un expected times, always look to see the hands of God outstretched to yours, close your eyes and see !

Remember I love you, and so does God !
April Nicole

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Defeat Satan by the Word of God !

Matthew 4:1-11 (New International Version)

Matthew 4:1-11

New International Version (NIV)

Matthew 4
Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness
1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]”

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[c]”

7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[d]”

8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]”

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

We are Victorious ! : As, I read these scriptures I can see Satan now, thinking he was all that testing the King of Kings our lord and savior, tempting him to resist and follow him, look how stupid satan looked, when all Jesus did to fight him off, is give him the word of God ! ( Away from me Satan ) Truly these simple words, powerful simple words sent that ugly creature away!

Now, for all my brothers and sisters out there, we gotta listen up! Satan is becoming slick on how he picks his prey, see Satan knows how to entice the eyes of the weak, see in order for Satan to even touch Gods children he has to ask for permission from the Father. We give to much credit to the beast, he is a liar and a filthy animal and there is no truth in him. So, we must be vigilant on his tactics and be aware of his strategy, his mission is to kill, steal and destroy. So, the more you know the word of God, you can defeat him! The Victory has already been Won!

So, let us look at some of the ways Satan trick us up: ( The Mind ) Satan, likes to tell you, what you can't do, he likes to put the fear inside of you, that all is going wrong and that you will loose everything. So, what does God Say

The Word:
Deuteronomy 28:1-68 ESV

“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. ..AMEN!

Satan Tactics : ( Lust ) See, Satan likes to through out the spirit of Jezebel to knock you off of you game, I have met so many people, who are mesmerized by the ugly but cunning creature of design. The mission is to destroy you, and leave you in the darkness. Many people get caught up with this spirit because they don't have the word to fight it off. They like to use their bait to place you in their web, this is their bait ( Abandonment issues lines, passive personality disorders, with aggressive tendencies, abuse of ones body through sexual prowess, make babies with them out of wedlock) this is just the name a few, for the men out their be cautious what may look like a butterfly will sting like a bee, so when you see her coming, you better bring your Word out !

What the word says :

Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols

Satans Tactic ( Money ) Now, all of us can relate to the needing money. However, when you place money as the priority of your life over God, you are giving satan a foot stool to attack you. The lord will always provide for his children, we know that according to the will of God our needs will be met. The world tells you that you need to have a big house, a fancy car, designer bags, expensive jewelry, this worldly list can go on and on. So, when we invite satan in to the laws of our needs you are opening yourself to the attacks. So, when you feel as though the world is taking control over you, you better stop what you are doing and get the word back in position.

The Word Says :

Deuteronomy 28:12
The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. ( Amen )

I just wanted to deliver just some of the tactics that satan is about to use to destroy Gods people, I can write all day on this. We are now being called more tha ever to get the Gospel spread and to break the enemy down, this battle has been has been won ! We have Victory in Jesus, and in the days and weeks and months and years to follow, we will be tested. However we are not to allow satan to destroy us, our rewards are not stored here but in the Kingdom of Heaven, we are the vesels of this light, we must set out and help the next generation reach to the skies and learn the bible.

The world is now teaching this next generation through the Lady Ga,Ga's and the Jay Z's and all this other filth that is covering the media, they don't care about us, it is a mission to destroy. Be careful what you listen too, and who you listen to...If they tell you, heaven is here, their is no hell..Then you better get away. There is a heaven and their is a hell, and for people to say that we are in bad days, well earth looks like the Ritz compared to way Hell is gonna look.

Remember, in all things seek the lords way, don't from the truth.

Seek the way of the Father, this world is temporary. You have free will on the destination.

Be blessed Trust God and Tell Satan he is a liar!

Smart Diva

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Many are Called few are Chosen

When I think about how many times God has placed calls upon his children, and many chose to not answer and they wanted to follow their own way, I think of how God must have been and felt at that moment.

Then, the thought enters my head, that those who are serious about this walk with God, we listen and follow and represent his fruits of the spirit in love.

The lord wants all of his children to hear his voice and follow his lead, many of us have a special place in this world in order to get their we must no longer live our lives in the conditioning of the world and it's lies and propaganda.

See the medias mission is to destroy the mind, and they are doing this through social and broadcast media, we must not support these patterns of mental abuse and follow the word of God his word of truth.

The next few years we will witness historic and monumental things that only God could bring to the forefront and some will be very powerful and profound. We must stay prayed up, if you have no Biblical knowledge or if you have it, and have turned from it, you will follow what the masses throw at you.

Example: The Carmeggedon May 21 End of days

In both these situations you had all the media making people run and be scared and stay locked up in their homes, and this was all over the press, and people buy into it, because it's all they see. However, if all of us agree to put down the remote and grab the word, these things that media and satan throws your way will not affect you.

Do not give the power to what you see! If you do satan will take it and it will break you.

Those of us who have been called to spread the Truth will see how the enemy wants to distract us from the mission, I am not and will not give up on enlightenment for those who are drifting with no hope and in fear of the world. We are world changers and movement makers and we will show the world that Light beats darkness.

So,for us who have been called continue to pick up your cross and walk the walk and show this world that we will not live a life in fear, we will live it in High Praise! Our father is a King!! We are the sons and daughters and the heirs of the throne in the eternal kingdom of our father.

The best is yet to come for us, God is doing a new thing!! He is opening doors for his children who are following in his lead, he is restoring relationships that satan tried to destroy, he is providing jobs that have career advancement for his children! He is providing healthcare for the sick! He is giving you a place that is better than the one you had before!!

See our God is a miracle worker, and he is not through with his children! See where the lord is getting ready to take you, you have NEVER been there before!! This is his Royalty and his stamp to you, that you are worthy!! So remember when you answered that call you placed yourself in the arms of God and he holds his children tight and springs fourth blessings in all things!!

I speak this word on all of you !!

Remember that I love you and so does God!!

One love One blood shed for you and me (:

Mathew 22:14
"For many are invited, but few are chosen."

April Nicole

Monday, July 4, 2011

Shout I am Ready For Change !

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

I remember that when we were getting ready to enter the season of change when it was being said that Barak Obama was running for president people starting stating " well the world is ready for change " The real meaning behind any type of change, brings about the uncertainty for most people, of what will I expect ?

That's just it, with Change comes about all things new. Recently I have been meeting so many people and talking to friends in regards to this new stage that we are in, especially Gods children who are entering the awakening of the unknown.

It becomes a scary place only when we start to resist the change, for what God has chosen and will decide to do for those who call upon him and love him then trust him will see their lives become transformed greater than anything they could have imagined.

The lord wants to do a new thing and not something that will bring you to a place of doubt and fear, he wants you to trust him and release that doubt and fear and pick up his book of hope.

You will see so much start to happen in your life that is filled with the fruits of the spirit, it's not a bad thing to want to have great things and live a life of purpose and freedom. The dynamic to this truth is when your ways of doing things no longer work! The former things have passed away ! The lord wants and will do a new thing.

All of us have made mistakes, it's not about how many mistakes and bad choices you've made by doing your will, it's about how you have got up and dusted yourself off and said father I trust you.

In life when we start going in a hurry and running instead of walking, we miss the messages along the way " patience" is the center of the change. Without it, you will find yourself spiraling out of control for know reasons, but the fact you are impatient.

I've have learned from a dear friend of mine who so happens to be my soul mate, he said something to me last week that was so true " That when people make hasty decisions they continue to have things go wrong in their life " such a great truth, because when we take our way and decide to it and hold on to the former, you make God out to be wrong, and our father is never wrong he is always right and on time!

So, for most of us that are entering this stage of change get ready you are in for a great ride, Gods children have been called and we are no longer living in the darkness of the fear and of the unknown. We accept and surrender our own desires to the will of God. Once you just say no more of my way and shout to God your way, you will see him open the doors of heaven here on earth and pour out his blessings in ways you have never seen before!

This message is one of truth and light. Let it flow in the core of your spirit, and see what will happen for you,.

2011 will end with many of Gods children having unexpected miracles happen, for all seeds that have been planted in the lords soil, it is getting ready to flourish and spring true a Tree that is built on the grounds of the new and prosperous.

I speak this blessing upon you all!!

May the lord do and bring before you a new thing and all the desires of your heart will soon manifest in greater ways you could never imagined. We have awakened and in this non sleep state now, you will get all that you desire according to the lords will.

I love you and so does God!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Soul Mates of Purpose

A soul mate ( or soul mate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility

God Created Marriage
“And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, he made into a woman, and brought her to the man.” Genesis 2:22

Will Smith: "Families are like a business. The key is one person having a vision of what it needs to be and being able to pull everyone together. That's Jada for sure."

Gods Design: When I set out to write this blog, I am really in a state of a transitional phase in my life. As, I get ready to enter into this new cycle, I wanted to speak on the combined foundation of the lords plan for not only myself, but for so many who are now entering this phase that I call the " The Purpose"

The beauty behind the lives that we lead are designed by the lord himself. When we get ready to enter into the phase of purpose we welcome into a life that is now going to enrich not only our physical realms but the spiritual. When we set out to live a life free from the confinement of free will obtained by choice that we have made that in the past lead us to the end zone.

In today's society what is happening to marriages across the globe is pretty devastating. You have Hollywood couples hooking up and not even taken one of the greatest Vows to heart " To Honor and Obey" the reason why marriages and relationships are breaking is lack of GOD. In Genesis up above as you read back that scripture it states that " GOD TOOK FROM MAN TO CREATE WOMAN" In this creation God brought to the world as woman, it was contributed for them both to wed and to be fruitful and multiply.

In this society that we are living in people, have now created their own rules and in doing so many are receiving the wrath of God and most of their choices.

When you bring two people together who are equally yoked and they are lead by God and his purpose for their lives, he brings together something that is beautiful in of the spirit and in the design of wholeness that is now given, because you are complete and not lacking.

Can you imagine how this world would be if every one understood that true dynamic of ones soul mate. You would meet someone one be courted, you both have that connection to God, then you marry and have children and those children will continue that cycle of bringing life into this world upon the ways of God instead the ways of the world.

We are now needing to get back to the " equally yoked " and the soul mate = " Marriage"

For those who have gone before God and you are now in a place of desperation, I asked that you get aligned to God and seek biblical counseling. When we as a human race take out our own flesh and sinful desires, we now incorporate the laws of the universe to align you with to whom you have Godly kinship.

When God places two people together who have the same foundation set in God, he will use you in ways that are truly greater than ones self.

The illusionary walls are now being broken down from the old ways, God is doing a new thing. He is bringing to you, the other half of your heart. Loose your expectations and trust his promise for the direction of your life, and the other who completes the other half of your heart to set out and do this soul mate purpose.

I am writing this blog, based on much being lead upon my spirit in what God is getting ready to do for his children, so many people are called to a great mission, two by two. Together we are being called to do a mission for our father. In this mission those who are called will be able to help their fellow brothers and sisters.

Get ready to see the combination of answered prayers, and un expected miracles in love, purpose, and most of all " Eternal Rewards"

Open your hands and receive your blessings!

I love you and so does God !

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Answered Prayers ( Timing is Everything)

Is. 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Matt 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened

In this existence we are for sure of two certain things. Babies are born and People die. For many of you, you may say hey that is pretty black in white. Well in essence it's a true fact. By understanding this dynamic it will change the way you live.

It will bring you into a greater understanding that life should be lived in a freedom state of mind, of just that. " Living"

In life we have two great things in common " Borrowed Time " " Praying"

Borrowed Time on this planet, is truly amazing: God has entrusted to us, this piece of existence to come into this world and fulfil a mission. Now, for many of us, who were once placed in an incubator state of mind, you had no clue on why you were here. Then little by little, the life that " you " chose for yourself could no longer be played out in this falsified reality. So you surrendered and answered the call, and by doing so you unlocked the " TRUTH" and was now set free !

How, I remember being in that incubator state of mind. Until the Father did the greatest thing he " Answered My Prayers" The beauty behind our creator is how he searches well within our souls even to the places we have never even been in mind, body and spirit. God is always with us, and he is always waiting for us to speak to him, with a humble heart, and a receptive spirit.

Prayer is very powerful, it's your personal time with God. It's those intimate moments that one can never take back, but be in total wholeness with the spirit that will guide you to a place of greater understanding of who you are.

You are more than just a job, you are more than just a parent, you are than a bank account, you are more than a sexual relationship, you are more than just a " I DONT KNOW WHO I AM " You are a chosen disciple of light and of truth !

What gets you there to this realization is prayer and " TIME" Don't you like those moments when you can be in thought of something or someone right when in the core of your spirit that person or thing was there, and just like magic " POOF" it is there.

That's God ! That's how he works. In life we live in a world of Un expectancy because if God showed us everything in his plan, most of us could not even comprehend it. That is why when we live in a state of obedience it all manifest itself in the realm of the timing that it was called to.

The next season of our lives will be the greatest and the strongest of test in our faith. God is doing a new thing, he has given us the key to the passing on everything that comes before us, so we are not lacking in nothing and the key to the answered prayers is through the beauty of The 9 Fruits of The spirit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

– Galatians 5:22-23,

This is the secret to the answered prayers: We are light to this world, our existence is do great things for the next generation. We must be vigilant and aware of who we are and what God has called you to do. The riches are stored in the lives we change, through the wisdom that we share. We only have this life time to get it right. Step out on faith, and leave the darkness of this world behind. Never be afraid to loose it all, through loosing it all we gain everything with God. All, things become new, when we rid ourselves of the old things, and the old ways of doing things. You will reap Harvest on all great seeds that were planted in Purity Soil.

This will be a wonderful amazing next 6 months. Prayers will be answered in all that God sees in the truth of the heart. It will blow your mind. Just receive it and know you deserve it. You are a Prince and Princes ! Because your Father is KING!!

I love you and so does God !

Sunday, June 5, 2011

" You never know what's coming for you"

Trials and Temptations

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything ( James 1 2-) NIV

When God is getting ready to do something big in his children's life, he starts off by making sure that all you have learned well within in your faith, is built on a foundation, of wisdom, joy, hope, and belief and most all " Trust" As you read this scripture from James, here we are able to read on how the father tells us that we should be happy and joyful of the trials that come upon us, its through those trials we are able to see, who we really are. It's never about giving up, because satan would love that, it's about trusting God, and leaning upon the greater understanding on what he is doing, while molding you into the child he has called you to be.

For me personally was a test week, satan wanted to do all within his power to get me to be angry at God, based on what I was seeing happening, for a month that I know, I have to be focused, because of the mission assignments, the lord has placed upon my spirit to do for the building of the kingdom. With all great testimonies we have to go through a trial and a test, just so the father can see all that you have learned you now can apply. See, the father did not give us the spirit of fear, now by that verse we are being told, that if we place our faith and trust in God, we will be able to withstand, any lies from satan. They are just that, lies from satan.

While having one of my movie nights, I watched a Movie Called Benjamin Buttons, starring Brad Pitt: This was a great movie, based on a man, that was going backwards in time through aging, and how he experienced life, based upon on how life looks, when we are learning to love not just based on how the world tells us, but simply by the heart. It lead me into my blog this week " You never know what' coming for you" This was a great quote in this movie, and rings true into our lives here in reality, we never know what is coming for us, because God has away of bringing things to us when we least expect.

I love those moments, when you open your email, and their is something from someone you were just thinking about, or answering your phone, and their is that call you wanted to come through, or checking the mail, and that long awaited check is there, for all that praying you had been doing wasn't in vain ! See, when we trust God and all the promises he gives to us, we allow the laws of the universe to align it, and bring it fourth to open up a vessel of higher and connected energy that is through faith of what God has and can do for you.

Especially in those moments, when you feel all is lost, God is just watching you the whole time, saying " if only my child knew what I had coming for him " we would really change on how we think, see God knows the storm before we do, and already he has aligned all that is needed to weather the storm, and that is when we have cling on to faith, and truly just God ! We haven't begun to see what he is about to do for us, our latter days will be great, the Father bestows riches from unexpected places, that has your name written all over it.

Don't keep your mind so absorbed on riches being only in the material realm, rather than seeing how the lord will bless you in the spiritual and through that all your needs will be met according to the fathers will. Trust him and watch what he will bring to you !

The Most valuable thing we have in life is love and time. Together and binded as one, we will set out and do something very big in this world, to bring Joy and Light and most all of all " Hope"

Be ready for the blessings that are coming, be receptive daily, for God always does the greatest wonders, when you least expect it.

God Bless us all,

One Love One Blood shed for you and me !

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Pursuit of Gods Happyness

John 10:10 (New International Version)
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Psalm 37:3 (New International Version)

3 Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

The Joy that I am channeling in as I write this blog is full of Gods Grace and Mercy. Way deep down within my soul, I feel this urgency of wanting Gods children to know, that we are in a state of his Love and Devotion. I know that with the tragedies that flood our TVs and our news papers, many of you may ask what reality am I living in ? I will answer and say, this. Our father is Good, even when it seems unfair, God uses everything for his purpose, and the day we see his face we will understand that this earth was just a small fragment on what was waiting for us in paradise.

Last Night, I re watched the most profound movie, I had seen a few years ago, and I remember the impact that it left on my heart, and after I watched it again last night, I had that same amazing feeling of JOY AND HUMBLENESS ! The Pursuit of Happyness Starring : Will and Jayden Smith, and wow, the dynamic not only of this amazing father and son team, but the beauty of how the real life story of Chris Gardner was eloquently put together to leave a tingling feeling in all of our hearts, of what it truly means when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and step out on faith, on what the lord can do.

Chris Gardner was truly was taken down a path of humility, and one step from the Book of Job land, but the father held him, through all of his life adversity, that was thrown at him, and through all that he endured, he never gave up, and he fought the lies of Satan when he wanted to enter his mind, and throw the closest person to him ( wife) to make him feel like he was a failure as a husband and a father, but luck behold, that God said you are victorious in me, and I can give you a dream and a vision, and I can manifest it better than you could imagine, and I will not tell you, that the road will be easy, but I guarantee you, once I am done, you will know I am God.

This movies, is one of my Top 10, and it high lights the beauty, of how we can do any thing that we allow God to direct when its based on his will. He uses, our adversities to shape and mold us into the likeness of his son, and when we feel that we can know longer go on, that is when God is carrying you, across the threshold of freedom.

Satan never wins, he's never really even in the game, for the father allows him to test us, and some may say, well if someone dies how is that winning? Because if you believe and have accepted the lord, and you know his word, the body is borrowed any way, we are souls! and when our souls leave our bodies they become joined back with the father! So,yes even in death we have WON!

The pursuit of happyness is not in the world, it's with God ! The joy that comes from his will and not our own, takes us into a place that is un desirable because to try and comprehend Gods plan for you, is truly profound.

We must stop wasting time, on the things that have know true value, and focus upon the lord, and what he has called you to do and the determination of this walk, will truly bring you all the 9 fruits of the spirit, and will manifest in the calling and bring you all you need.

Chris Gardner didn't give up, because he knew what was in his heart, and what he needed to do, for him and his son, and he humbled himself, and it hurt. What parent could sleep on a bathroom floor with his son next to him, as a man, that had to feel like a knife, but that type of man, is the same man, that watched his son being placed on a cross, because he knew at the end of the day, that what was being done, would save many children from perishing.

So, when you wake up in the morning, and you start dreading going to work, or arguing with your spouse or children, and you want to say you are not happy ! I ask you to re focus your Joy and Spirit on Gods Happyness, because until you understand his Happyness you can never understand the real value of Happyness, which can not be bought, because Jesus already paid the price for us all !

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

Trust God, and expect to him to provide for you in all ways, pray for all of your brothers and sisters. Forgive those who have wronged you, and stay away from the negativity, and create a positive circle of light around you, and stay in Gods word! This will be one of the greatest years in Gods children's life, because their is awakening taking place, and we will be restored in ways you have never seen before !

God is doing a new thing, the past is closed, the future is Now !

I love you and so does God !

April Nicole

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't Trust Fear

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27: 1

So, now since this mass media hype is done with over May 21, I hope that most of Gods doubting children, and the insane atheist of the world, were able to finally realise, that the word of God is true, and that what Satan likes to do is use the mass media to give people a fear state of mind.

This is what brings people to a place of worry and panic, is the lack of trust and faith in God. As, I sit here and write this blog, I write in agitation, because it was so many people, be infused with this mass media abuse on the end of times. See, until we start taking accountability for what we allow in, we will not be able to defend ones self over the lies of Satan.

He is the father of lies, and he wants you to believe that some old man, and his insane so call followers are able to unlock some secret on when the lord will come. That is why we as followers of Jesus, are to stay in the word, and not add nor subtract from it, and do not allow false prophets to feed you, there propaganda to get you to truly ruin your lives, and at the same time,make you loose focus.

In some ways, the stir up of May 21st, should have many now asking them selves are you ready ? The father said in his word, not even the son or the Angels knew when he was coming, and that he would come unexpectantly like a thief in the night, and I don't know how many thieves make a public announcement that they are coming to rob your house, so there is no way, that man has a clue when that day will come.

However, I Will say this loud and clear " It's time more than ever for us to be ready " We are on Gods borrowed time, everyday should not be lived in Fear but in admiration on the day we see our fathers face, we should praise the gift of life that he has given and strive to make the world a better place. The way terrorist win and enemies, is when we allow them to gain power over our minds and our coming and goings. God did not equipped us with the spirit of Fear ! That is a lie from satan, when we live in the Holy spirit and the truth of God, something very deep lives in side of us, that is the power of Jesus, and it gives us the strength of faith,hope and believe, that nothing nor know one can change.

Our greater days are here and they are to be enjoyed and treasured. God wants to do a new thing for this generation, and it has to do with HOPE! If you have no hope and you live in fear, you have just joined satans army. Now, if you trust and rest upon Gods words and his commandments you have now joined the Group of eternity.

We serve an awesome God ! He loves us, and never wants us to doubt him, or his word. I challenge all of you, that are Christ followers, start having bible study groups and teaching people the word of God. For the baby Christians that are growing still in God, I say be sure that you join a church that truly cares about teaching its disciples on the word of God. Take each day and read your word, if we can all log on to face book, and text messages, we can spend time with God.

When we go before the father, he will not ask how many text messages we had, or how many people we had on our friends list, or how many times we change our photos, he will say how did you use that to speak to my children about the word of God.

We do not have to allow the social media, to be place were bullies unite, or pedophiles lurk, or where people get dates, we can use these tools as a means to spread the word of God ! Satan, can throw anything our way, but God have given us the power to defeat him with his own tactics. After all he was just a fallen Angel !

I pray Gods blessings upon us all, we are in a season of Gods greatness, no matter what we may see, the father is not done with us yet. This Gospel will be spread across nations, and he will fulfill his promise to his children.

Be ready to receive his blessings daily, he is a just God, and what satan uses to scare us, God uses build our character.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

I love you and so does God !

One Love One Blood Shed for you and me !

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Season Of Completion

1. The action or process of finishing something.
2. The state of being finished

In this era of Gods correcting time, the father is truly awakening his children of the importance of the seeds that we plant manifest a harvest. The father never leaves anything that he brings together unfinished, it just requires time and patience.

In this existence that we are in, we face so much in oppostition when it comes to our desires and wants and self attainment in these wants and desires. In this essence of completion of a dry cycle that so many of us, have been in we had started to question will our prayers ever bring about answers. This is a dawn of a new day, when we start to see the lord do the greatest things we could never believe.

The Father wants us to know, that all we desire and want according to his will, shall manifest.

We are heirs to the thrown of riches that are stored in the kingdom of heaven, and all that we do here is for the attainment of that prize of hearing " well done" my humbles and faithful servant.

This is the season where the father wants to give back to his children, in a very big way, the lord is completing the puzzle, and all the pieces will now ad up.

This is a miracle season we are in, and the lord is going to exceed our expectations, we must stay in prayer, and trust that what God is about to give to us, is far greater than what we can see, just trust him and beleive that he can out smart you, and take your hurts and past pains and make greatness from it.

This is a dawn of a new day and a new way that the father wants to bless you, the father has and will do the unexpected be ready to receive.

Don't ever think anything is impossible, if the father gave the promise he will for sure complete it. This is always his promise to his children.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time, remember that I love you, and so does God!

April Nicole !

One Love One Blood shed for you and me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 21st ( Only The Father Knows)

Matthew 24: 36-39 No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothng about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man

Emgergency Blog:

When I started to write this blog, I went well within the core of my spirit, to make sure that that as I am writing that I could here and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

It has been an urgency in my heart these past few days, to make sure that for Gods chidlren who have been hearing the spreading of many who call themselves prophets and apostles of the word, and that they have unlocked the day, that the rapture will take place. On May 21st. I will never forget when I heard this, and I thought two things, if this is the case I hope that many start to follow Jesus and turn from their sinful ways, and they go out and get accept the lord as their lord and savior.

Then, the second was, how many are going to truly follow this, and not the word of God.

See, the father had prepared us already that in our latter days, false prophets will start to go out and taking his word and making it their own:

“Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ [from the Greek word christos meaning Anointed]; and shall deceive many.... For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt. 24:4,5,24). “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things” (Luke 21:36). “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:37).

The apostle John warned: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (I John 4:1). How do we “try the spirits”? By the scriptures (Isa. 8:20; Matt. 22:29). The Holy Bible is “the sword of the Spirit”, “and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” is our measuring stick (Eph. 6:17; II Tim. 4:1-4; Heb. 4:12). “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Tim. 3:16). Regardless of who the messengers are, whether they be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers or “an angel from heaven”, the Holy Bible is the only ruler by which we should measure their words and deeds. And as we judge all things by the pure word of God in the Holy Bible, which are the Lord's preserved words, the scriptures that “shall not pass away” (Psa. 12:6,7; Prov. 30:5,6 Matt. 24:35), we will know the truth just as Jesus promised:

We as true followers of the lord, we are to know the word of God, and not add nor subtract to it: We have people that are running around and making people believe that May 21st is the rapture. I am not here to judge or belittle anyone, all I am saying that if we know the word, then we are confident in what the lord has told us in it. If he didnt tell the Angels or his son when he was coming, why would he tell some one else ?

In these time we are in, it's about being cautious and vigilant, and trusting what ever the father has in store his will shall be done. All, we need to do is be ready. We serve an awesome God and he loves us, and he is giving us the time to get it right, but we know that the time he is coming is all his knowing.

It is time more than ever that we all start reading our bibles faithfully, if you do not know where to start, contact your local church and join bible ministries, the only way we can withstand the lies of satan is to defeat him with Gods knowledge, let us remember that satan was a fallen Angel, so he is very cunning in how he operates and how he manipulates the doctrines and people. Take everything back to the word, and loose emotions and rest upon truth.

The times of our world has been written, nothing that has taken place, was just being done, it has been written. Now, its about how much are you willing to sacrafice to start being obedient, and trusting the father and suiting up to truly walk with this walk with God. Now, more than ever God is calling his children, he is telling us wake up and pick the cross and follow, its all about choices.

If the lord did come back now, what would he see you doing ? what would he see in your heart ? Don't allow satan to tell you, that this world is all there is, because that is a lie:

19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,

The father has prepared a great place for us, and this will all past away, and we will one day be with our father. Do we know the day ? No, so until that time we enjoy every moment everyday! We get on our knees and we praise God and thank him, for all that he does for us, thank him, that we are heirs to the throne and by the blood we have been saved. This is the time we show our appreciation to the father for providing away and for making us whole.

I love all of you, and I share this with you, from the deepest part of my heart, and trust that the father is truly Good and that he will never forsake us, and our eternal rewards are stored with him, and at the end when all is said and done, we will continue our assignments in the Kingdom of pure Joy and Bliss!

Thank you Father for giving us Eternity!

God bless us all!

Remember I love you and so does God.

One Love One Blood shed for you and me !

April Nicole

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Answer The Call

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how did I get here? To this place of the not knowing where I am ? what is it that I am suppose to be doing in my life? You then realized that you have wasted most of your life, just getting by; to awaken to this hard truth, that you do not know what your purpose is.

I can talk about that person, because just 4 years ago, I was drifting in a falsified identity, until it happened ! I decided to answer the call from God.

When he answered he said child " Have you surrendered ? " In this moment all things that I had acquired in my darkness have now been taken away, and when the transition was happening, I told myself, what God wanted for me, had to be better than what I was doing, because I was not fulfilled when I had the worldly every thing.

What happens to most of us is that we conformed to this way of thinking that we are just a 9 to 5 or just a mother or just a father, and etc..Well, as children of God, we are built for a life of his pure greatness, we just have to be ready to receive the call, and allow it to be heard.

See, when God wants to wake you up, he starts slow and he gives us those little clues, of what you are doing is not right, however how many time do we just allow well enough to be just that !

Well, I am here to say to you, No more! It's time to pick up your cross and follow God, allow his will do be done for your life, let him provide and lead you into your calling. Many people like to walk around in a state of confusion in the spiral down of the painful reality, that all that you seek to do is there, you just have to put the world down and pick the word up ! That is where you will find the true you, and what the lord has called you to do.

There is no more time to waste, we have this one life to get it right, so I say to all of you, let us show God that his son did not endure that pain on that cross for a lie, that we love him and we obey his teachings and will set out to make a difference by what the lord has given to us in our gifts. This will be one of the best years in the spirit of Gods children, we are stepping into increase and coming out Victorious!

We one the chosen ones to do the work!

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

One Love One bled shed for you and me !

God bless us all !

Smart Diva

Monday, April 25, 2011

Are you Ready ?

( The Miracle Has Arrived)

For the Grace of the father is upon his children! The lord is wanting his children to know, that the trials that you have faced and that you are facing is almost over.

See the lord has something new in store for his children and that is allowing his will to be done in such a merciful way, see Satan never won this race, too many times us as Christians give Satan to much credit, don't allow him to steal your joy to make you feel low and not valued.

We are the heirs to the prize of Eternity with our father we are Rich! See the world will give you temporary comfort, but when the father planted his son to come and walk as man, he put a deep root that now lives in us all too set out and fulfil the purpose driven life that the father has given too all of his children who trust and believe in Him.

I don't know about you, but I am claiming my entitlement to Victory !! See, in this correcting time that the father has bestowed upon his children who thought they lost every thing, God Just said I moving that over here, so I can promote my children to the top. See what we think is good, God may say No! What the Father says is Great, will be Great!

This is the promise that the father made when he chose to give his sons life for us, that we are to set out and be stewards of this Gospel, spread his truth in Love. Tell Satan that your problems will not last for long because Jesus died on Calvary for you and for me, and that my friends is what we strive to be in this life here on earth, to be Christ Like. Renewed in the mind, the body and the soul!

So, I ask all of you, are you ready? When I tell you that the father can make the impossible, possible he already did when he gave his only begotten son. His son didn't take that pain on cross for a lie, so don't let Satan lie to you, and make you believe that your life is not valuable, the Father can do all things !! Are you Ready ?

This is it!!

Remember that I love you and so does God (:

The most valuable thing we have in this life is love and time!

One Love One Blood shed for you and me !

April Nicole

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Cross: Borrowed Time

Matthew 27:46 (also Mark 15:34)
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (NKJV)
In the darkest hours of his suffering, Jesus cried out the opening words of Psalm 22. And although much has been suggested regarding the meaning of this phrase, it was quite apparent the agony Christ felt as he expressed separation from God. Here we see the Father turning way from the Son as Jesus bore the full weight of our sin.

( As I am in my centered peace writing this blog, I am weeping) Every time I just close my eyes and I think of a father that has his son being tormented and beaten, all the while watching, and here is this man, this powerful that is placed on this cross, and he is beaten and ridiculed, all the while he is doing this for us.

It truly makes you think just how special we are to the father and the son, and needless to say, all of us have played a part in taking what they have given us for granted.

Each time that I look at myself in the mirror and I see this Cross around my neck. I think about how significant it truly is, and the man that walked with this cross, and was laughed and made a mockery of him, because it was too much to bare for those idiots who didn't want to believe.

In the end Jesus was just so amazing, and was humbled and a servant, and even before dying he still placed others before himself " Forgive them father, for they know not what they do" Now, only a humbled man, could say that especially at his final hour.

The Cross that we see often is one of Love, I look at each part of the cross, and I think of the great love that the lord had for us, and the pain that he must have felt seeing his child being brutally beaten. In my spirit, I know that the lord did this so we can all spend eternity with him and his son.

We are here on borrowed time, and in this time that we have we must spend it, following Jesus, and showing the lord that he didn't make a mistake when he sacrificed his son for us. It's time for all of us to bring a change into this world, Our papa is coming soon, and he is giving us enough time to get it right!

This time that he has given us, is for the learning of his son and helping his children.

No one should persih at all, this walk with God is not hard, it's so beautiful. There is no fear, worries, sadness, it's joy! even in the trials God gives them to us, so we can never forget about his son.

We may go through tribulations, and experience lives disappointment's, but nothing is worst than watching your son being beaten because no one wanted to beleive that he was the son of man.

I always think about Michael Jackson in these moments, he wasn't beaten and placed on a cross, but he still experienced a spiritual beating by those who couldn't beleive that a man could care about a world and Gods children the way that he did. It's sad for many now, to love him and listen to his music and say " Michael was beautiful and he cared, and shared the greatest gift God to us and that is Love.

In the next few months, our world will see many signs of the lords return. Remember God did not give any time of when he would come back, we should all be ready for he will unexpectedly like a thief in the night.

I am looking forward to the day I will see his face, and I hope that when the father brings me before him, he would say Well Done my humble and faithful servant! You took my gifts and saved your brothers and sisters, and now you can continue your assignment in the eternal realm of the heavens.

God bless us all, May this week be the greatest week,that you experience the lords presence, and everyday that you wake, PRAISE HIM! Tell the Father Thank you for your Son " JESUS" Master and Savior!

Get ready for major blessings! The lord is manifesting the desires of the heart, according to his will. For the serving of the Lord.

Remember that I love you, and so does God.