Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jesus is Alive Today!!

Matt 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

This Blog was placed on my heart by the lord. It's in theSE days more than ever, that the spirit of the lord is upon us. In these times, we are going to see Gods hand in work in so many arenas.

The message is clear, stay in the word and learn and spread his Gospel. Stay in constant prayer and fasting, so you can here the word of God.

The father said in his word, that in these times, satan will use, who and what he wants to cause corruption in the spreading of the Gospel. We must be vigilent, and admit to the father, that we are not able to do this alone, we need his Strength, his power, and his Grace.

Daily, as I spend time with God, my heart weeps, because so many refuse to want to hear the Gospel, and for so many that have gone on and confused Gods words, and twisted them for ego and self eflation. When we serve God, we stand before God and we stay by the power of the decree of our lord savior he sacraficed his only begotten son, to save us. All of us, it's up to us to choose if we choose God, because he chose us.

If, Jesus were alive in the physical form today he would be out preaching and spreading his Gospel, and healing the sick, walking down the streets of down town, and going through the places, that people snub their noses up at, and he would be telling them, how great his fathers eternal kingdom is , and what we do on this earth is not about monetary, or ego, or selfish gain, its about " Love"

We all will be accountable for how we used what God gave us, and what he stood for. With so much that is happening within the world, and the churches, we must not condemn nor judge, we must remember, who we serve. We are no ones judges, or any ones Messiah, we are messengers of the father, and we are saved by the Grace and the blood of his Son.

We are to glorify his sons precious name, we must rise from the strife of satans tactics, and know that every opportunity that the lord gives us to spread his word, is the mission for the Kingdom.

In the next season of our lives, God is going to be exposing, and revealing and appointing his children in places and posistions, that you could never even believe.

Relationships are being restored and healed, for what satan thought he took, God placed on hold, because he had to chisel away the old.

Marriages, in the union of the lord is coming. God is sending us out and faster than ever, and you wil have all you need to serve God, Oh as I type these words, the lord is upon me, and I am smiling and rejoicing, because we are getting ready to see Brighter days, and when you see the Miracles of the lord coming to us, all you say is "THANK YOU LORD" For saving me, and bringing me all of your gifts to set out and walk like you, for you are alive today, because you live inside of me.

God bless us all,

( This next month, be ready for answered prayers, for the lord is about to bestow a miracle upon all who call upon his son, with a heart that is a heart of the lord"

Be a doer of the word and not just a hearer!!

One Love One Blood shed for you and Me

Smart Div

Saturday, September 11, 2010

911 Angels

Today has been a day that was painful for many of us. We all ask ourselves where we on 911, I remember all to well. Just watching this and thinking how could something like this happen? I did ask God why, these people, why this morning, and why oh why? For that moment, I could here the spirit, and God whispered, My child this was not my act, but Satan didnt not win, because at the end, I welcomed my children home. ( Psalm 23) I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

We are in times, where the most important things that matter is love and time, because we can't get it back. God is on a mission and he wants to make sure, that we keep our eyes on him and this Global mission of truth and light. We all are made equal, flesh of Gods flesh, and of his blood.

Let us Rejoice and praise the lord, and be ready for assignment, and be ready for Gods blessings, and for the pain that we may endure, it falls on the will of the lord, for what God has in store for us in heaven is far greater than what we can see.. God bless us all.

This is my dedication for the Angels of 911

"Dedication to 911" Written: By April Nicole

Wow, nine years ago, God brought new angles to heaven
The images on my TV screen still saddens me so deeply
The smoke and dust of burning buildings
The cries of souls being taken just because of hate and Osama teachings

Today marks the day our country stood still
The pain of the lost still hasn't completely healed
It never really made any sense
That cowards would hi jack planes and torture with ice picks
Knowing that they would kill for a man that preached Hate
Sacrificing human lives at the cost of a place
They know nothing about, believing in a man that lives in a cave,
What sense did this all make?

Twin towers we miss you, my time spent in New York was a dream come true
The Pentagon lost amazing people, real heroes that knew they always had a job to do
Our fire fighters how courageous you were, the standing of the "our flag" marked the beauty
behind the fathers, and sons, that really dedicated their lives to protect their fellow man

I cry some times, just the thought of the flights, people who had to call their
love ones just to say good bye,
God entered their space, to allow them to feel his amazing Grace
Believers knew this was not the end, their family would one day re-unite with them
In the kingdom of Gods Eternal den

Even though this is the hardest day,
We will always bow our heads and pray
" Father God please protect us, and give us our daily bread"
" Let no man, go to bed with out having any regrets"
"We never no when we have to say good bye"
" If I died tomorrow, I know a better place is in the skies"

( I hope, that each and everyone of us, take the time, to reach out to family and friends, and just make sure you let them know how much you love them. Life is so precious and every moment counts, be thankful for all you have, the beauty of life is not the materialistic things, it's the moments you spend doing all God great things")

I enjoyed writing this poem, it came from my soul, I salute each and every soul, that was taken on this day, for I know, this is the day, Our good lord called you home.

" We love you our 911 angels"

09/11/2001 ( Never forgotten)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Surrender, Let Go and Welcome Change

How many of us can relate to holding on to things that we no longer need, or can use any more. We get so comfortable with having it, that we are afraid to let it go. Until it happens, God decides to take it away, because it hinders you to move forward.

This season that we are now entering God is saying, Surrender your ways, and Gravitate toward my way, and allow your life to be changed.

The minute that we assume control, God allows us to set out and once we realise that we can't do it alone, the father is waiting with open arms to bring you back home to him.

We just need to let Go, and Trust that the father is at work to bring you back and restore you in his light and his will, for he has already ordained your life, it's just time for you to identify his route and not your own.

As, we surrender and let go of the things and the people, that are not storing the adequate fruits we then begin to manifest the right types of fruit that the lord wants you to have.

If you want to loose weight,you can't expect to keep eating KFC everyday, if you want to get married, you can't expect to meet your husband in the house, what I am saying is that " Faith without works is dead" and when we hold on to the things that brings us no Glory to ourselves or God, then you are living the lies of Satan, and we know that he is liar.

Let Go of the things that do not bring you any Joy or that's not shifting you higher, don't be afraid to step out, when you are pressing forward, you allow God to take you to place that you would've never expected.

You are called and appointed to do Greatness, you just have to believe that it is manifesting, don't get caught up on what you don't have, Get caught up with what you do have, and what you do have is " GOD" and he said in his word, that he will never forsake you!

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is Love & Time

God be the Glory!!

Be Ready for the Miracle, God is going to open up his gates of Heaven and bestow a blessing upon you, many of us are getting ready to be placed in such an abundant way of life, and this prosperity is to help others, so much is in store, and the call is clear, answer and receive your blessing, when God knows the desires of our hearts he will manifest it. I am telling you don't be surpised on what the lord is about to bring your way, it's bigger than what you expect, we don't serve a small God, so don't expect God to serve you a small blessing.
