Monday, May 31, 2010

Child's Heart ( Michael Jackson)

This is the month that is the most sacred to me in so many ways. It will be a year ago on June 7th that I re-dedicated my life back over to God. As, I sit here at the PC, so many thoughts come to my mind, I would have never thought that 18 days later last year, we would be grieving over the lost of the late and GREAT SIR MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON. It's almost surreal to think as I was celebrating a new birth, Michael was getting ready to celebrate his legacy in the eternal kingdom.

Many of us, that love Michael we still grieve everyday, but for all of us, who knew this mans soul we continue to honor his legacy. When God created Michael Jackson, he knew he would have all the ingredients he needed to be something that we had never seen before. He was blessed with a voice of an Angel, he had moves that only Jesus limbs could have, and he had a smile and an innocence that lit up any room he entered. A star truly was born.

Writing right now I am in tears, because I never thought I would be telling my own emotions of Michael Jackson, it's hard but yet easy to share how a little Michael lives in so many of us. We have all know how it feels to be judged, to be a Little shy, to be kind- hearted, to be different, but at the end of the day, we know that we all have a " CHILD'S HEART" just like little MJ.

The world was not really ready for Michael, how can one person other than Christ come to a world, and walk and help people, and inspire them to be better, Michael gave children hope, he ministered through his music to children who had cancer, he went to Africa and he held babies that were infected with AIDS and he did it all with a smile on his face, just the way Jesus loved, and for the world to have persecuted such a man, what his enemies did was free him. Michael knew all along, that he would be judged for being different.

I guess that's how those people felt when they pinned Christ to the cross, why would someone go through such humiliation and pain? Little did they know, that those whips and beatings freed so many people.

As, we set out to Honor Michael this month and forever more, I tell all of you that really loved him, to continue to show Christ and Michael their whips and beatings from "man" was not in vain, and we will continue to glorify and honor them in legacy through helping to re-shape this planet, Michael we love you, I know that you walk with many of us, and live in our hearts, and this movement of change is to correct time.

I thank you for your music and your indescribable love and dedication in being a humanitarian and inspiration for so many of us.

This is just the beginning of what I will do to honor your name, I know deep in my spirit I will get to interview one of your siblings, God gives me the vision so very often.

As, we listen to this tune that Michael song on soul train as a teenager, you can see the innoncene and child like character that our little Michael still maintained well into his adult hood..

because he truly had a " Child's Heart"


Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE AND TIME!!!

One Love One Blood SHED FOR YOU AND ME!!

Smart Diva ( April Nicole)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Aprils My Real Talk Love

As, I get ready to do the will of the father, I am so grateful to all of the angels God has brought into my life.

This season is about going into the world and making a difference. God wants us to go out in this world and use the talents and gifts he has given us to go out and make a change.

The change starts with us, and God and his vision for my life is too help bring " HOPE" back to his people..

Feel free to let me know what show topics you would like, these shows are for God and it's coming to the networks and I am so happy and God thy will be done..

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time..

God bless you,

One Love One Blood shed for you and me(:

Smart Diva

Monday, May 24, 2010

Marriage Vs Sex

This blog is the work for God, it has been placed on my spirit that I need to talk about Marriage Vs Sex, and that is because with all these false illusions of what finding love is all about, with horrible TV shows such as " For The Love of Ray J" "Flavor Of Love "and " Rock Of Love" " I Love New York" and the list goes on and on, This Garbage needs to be stopped. This filth is destroying not only the minds of this generation but also the generation that follows.

I share with people quite often, if you don't have a personal relationship with God and if you are not raised with Solid Christian Values, you will conform with this world, and once you do that you are knocking on Satan's door.

Why has it become so taboo for people to not want to marry? Whoever said marriage ruins things, did not have a positive influence on what Marriage is all about, down below you will find a very profound scripture right out of Genesis.

Gen. 2:18, 21-24

The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'...and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Now, ponder on this scripture and play it back until it hits the core of your soul. See, when we follow Gods way, it allows us to leave the lust and wickedness of the sexual prowess that the devil uses to seduce our minds and our souls. It pains me to think that so many of our younger generation are involving themselves in these sexual acts, and watching these horrible videos with sexual exploitation being out of control.

We are missing the art of true intimacy, the lord has been on my spirit in regards to this message, and for those of you who say who am I ? to speak on this, I have been there in the world. I know how it is just to enjoy and fornicate outside the laws of marriage, Not anymore!!!
( God be the glory ) I enjoy my celibacy it's OK to save yourselves for marriage and treat your body as a temple the way God wanted, just think for a second, if you had 10 sexual partners and your partner has had 10 sexual partners = 20 now let's times that by 10 and by to and the list can go on and on ( forget the math that equals a wide spread epidemic of diseases, cervical cancer, unwarranted pregnancies, and most of HIV.

I am on a move to help promote abstinence to our youth and teenagers until marriage, I am so happy that God is the driving force in my life, the husband God has chosen is a man that is the creation of God..we must bring marriages back, it's ok to be one with one partner. Don't let false doctrines tell you its ok to have multiple sexual partners, it is not!

God wants us to build back unity, the time is now...For those of you who contaminate your minds with porn and illicit sexual material, just think to yourself if that was your son or daughter? Also, when we go before God we will be judged for all we have done.

None of us fall short on having lived a sinless life, but we can all change now, and decide to pick up our crosses and allow God to change our lives.

Many people, who knew me when I was living in the world, I was fun and and wild, but it's when God showed me TRUE LOVE, that I have a new excitement on how I live my life, and knowing that on my wedding day, my husband can be ok, with knowing that my body became Gods temple when God brought me back home to him.

It is time that we must all do apart in making this world a better place to be, and start back by bringing true love and marriage back. Nothing is easy in life but God is true to his word, and he gives us his message that he will never forsake us, and we should not with him either, let's be fruitful and multiply the right way, in marriage and unity.

Down below these are the qualities that men and women should look for in finding a Godly Mate

What Does the Bible Say?
• Wives - demonstrate godly character and quiet inner beauty.
• Husbands - honor their wives and be kind and gentle.
• Husbands and wives are equal partners.
• Husbands - love and sacrifice.
• Wives - submit.

If we all can take on the roles of the bible we will be able to bring back the art of what love and marriage is all about. It's on my spirit that so many marriages are getting ready to take place, and as we allow the vows to penetrate our souls let God do the rest, stay prayerful keep God first place, find a church to serve, and set out and do the will of God and see how high he will take you..

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.. Love always and enjoy the time with those you love..

I love you and so does God!!

One Love One Blood shed for you and me (:

Smart Diva

Sunday, May 16, 2010


As, I set out to write this blog, so much enters my mind space. I think about all the things and people God have brought into my life, and as I start to realise that God has a way of connecting to our destination, even when the road starts to get bumpy along the way.

In life, as we start to grow and have life experiences, we develop the greater force of " truth and wisdom" I look at my own life, and I see the favor that God has had on it, in so many different ways, growing up I never had the real father around, but I always knew that God was giving me something greater for me, see sometimes we are not given the things we need, because in order for God to use us he must bring us through something so we can help someone else.

Destiny has away of taking us through a maze of self growth and development of character. When, I was in my early twenties, I looked at myself for what I could offer as being the girl that was full of fun, the worlds idea of fun, hey I am putting it out there, because I love to share with people, how God changed my life, and as you get ready to read my book, it will give you the many sides of April, that God chi sled off because he knew I would go out in this world, and help so many young girls, and people to understand that God knows what he is doing far greater than you can see.

When I was living in the world, I allowed myself to be placed in the heart of what the world tells us is right, alcohol, and money, shallowness, ego and parties, deep down that is road straight to darkness, because at the end, when you stand before God he would want to know how you served him, and used your body for his body in Christ. Just ask yourself right now, If God was to come right now, what would he catch you and see you doing? Think about it...How would you like your last moments to be?

I often think about how God used the greatest force to help me change my life, and that was Love, this person who taught me how to love one day will truly see just how his love transformed and opened me up to something so grand, and even though we did not last, his love will forever stay embedded in my heart, and in turn God used him to bring me the man that I will marry he is the other part of me. " Drums took my desperation to elevation, by an act of kindness, and the direction God gave him to give to me. Heart of an Angel mind of a deep musical poet, flows in seams of the "seed" God gave to him to help continue to steer him in closeness to spirtitual growth.

Love can never be altered no matter how long it may take,patience and truth is what God gives to us, when he is getting ready to take us higher.

Your Destiny is gods plan for your life, and it can't be altered what will be already is, the world just waits for us to surrender and allow God to have his way.

As, we begin to embark on this next season, your destiny will be fulfilled, all the promises God has layed on your heart is getting ready to take off, God is a true God and he waits for us to trust, rely and obey his leading..You have the divine connection to him, and his holy spirit.

Don't listen to the lies of satan, see when God gives us an obstacle he already knows we are his children and what satan thinks he uses for his gain God allows him to test us, because he knows who we are.

Destiny is coming and it will move fast, act and be ready and allow the spirit to give you what you deserve. Don't seek approval from man, go to God..and see what he will give to you, bigger and better than you would have imagined.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time, love all that cross your path, and spend time with God and others,and watch what he will do for your life.

I love sharing with all of you, pieces of me...I can't wait to appear on TV and reach many homes, and inspiring them with Gods message of HOPE!! DREAM BIG AND LIVE YOUR LIFE FREE OF JUDGEMENT OF THE WORLD..



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spend My Life With You

As God is getting ready to change my life in such a pro found way, I thank him daily for giving me so much guidance and wisdom. The beauty in being still with you, allows me to channel in and hear the holy spirit lead me. I knew all along the man you had chosen, he would be created in your image, he would be my friend and would help me do this walk with you.

Anything that is worth having it comes with patience, love never dies, especially when God places it together. You complete me, and make me whole, a life with you will never get old. Time is now, and it rings in our heart, allowing God too lead us is where we now start.

Helping too bring awakening to Gods children, you are my MEHR, light and time beats out darkness and lies. Now God brought us back together in his time... The day of our wedding I will read the letter I wrote to you, you were the other half of me, and I for you, now as we get ready to accomplish Gods mission, I knew I could spend my life with you.

" Spend My Life With You" ( Written By April Nicole) Dedication Chosen You

Waking up, gives meaning to "you"

Expecting that all I need was given the day you came my way

What I wanted was not what I needed, but what I needed was " greeted"

How special of a man you are, I knew it from the start

He chose you to be the man, that holds my heart
Life is trivial, when you awaken to precious joy
That is never forsaken, How beautiful you are to me

You adore woman, respect, loyalty, are your qualities
Age of a number means not a thing, I get so lost
In your world, of divine teachings of " gifts"

You and I were " meant" My visions came with a trust
No matter, how many men came after me, they could never replace your "touch"
" At last your seed brought your love back to me"

" Heaven only knows, how I adore you so"

Baptism elevates my spirtiualism, wiping the slate clean

Now, the wedding bells start to ring,

" Love always changes the world"

" Yeah, I told you, I would always be your girl

" The Five people you'll meet in Heaven, will be the people hearts you touched, and one will be me"

You helped me to learn my purpose and serve in "ministry"

One thing that will always remain, and stay be true

As the sun sets along the ocean, and the waves flow so deep

Our love remains in history

Power of a second hand lions quotes are "true"

Now, I sleep my soul is complete

This journey always gave us clues,

" I knew I could " Spend My Life With You"

Copy Right: April Nicole

This will be such a great ending of the spring, and the welcoming of the Summer.

Wedding Bells ring so loud and Clear for so many, " love" how God is rejoicing..Glad that people are understanding that, love is special and true.

So many dreams and desires are coming true, This is harvest(:

I am so happy to be on the road to my true calling, using all gifts and talents, to teach and heal and to restore people. I was chosen(:

May God continue to bring prosperity, joy and abundance to all..

Enjoy this journey..The best is yet to come(:

Smart Diva

Dedication To Mothers!!!

Oh wow! Today is a celebration of all the mothers around the world. I always say that Mothers and Fathers are the greatest gifts because they our connection to God. That is the beauty of this day, is that God wants us to honor our mothers always. In the bible my favorite passage is the birth of Jesus Foretold

Luke 1: 26-28

" In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said. " Greetings, favored woman!! The lord is with you."

This true, the lord is with all mothers and they are higly favored, See the beauty of being a mother is the connection that it has with God. Even though I am not a mom, being a woman is such a grand gift because we are of the flesh of God.

On this day, may all women be blessed, and continue to do the will of God and love our children and guide them in the essence of our lord and savior.

Happy Mothers Day ladies, this is the day God made especially for you.

Here is my dedication to MY MOTHER!!

M: Many days you came into my room and told me how much you loved me. During my break up, you stood by my side, telling me I made a great decision to leave painful Love behind. God had something better, You were soooooooooooooo right!!

O: Opening up to me your greatest fears you had, and all about your child hood, then is when I realized my Mommy was also my best friend, that always make me feel so good.

T: Taking the time to encourage me with my dreams and career endeavors, sometimes it was hard for you to let go to your youngest, but you knew God has now positioned my life to go out and help change his world, and now it's time for me to fly.

H: Helping me when I needed you the most, I can never forget what you did, that's why in your latter life, I will be able to give you all you ever wanted. You deserve it.

E: Encouraging and motivating especially now, momma when you see the promise God made to me in my career you will see that the way you raised me, pushed me into greatness.

R: Respect you so much, and even though sometimes we may have not agreed, we never gave up on one another because God gave you life to give life too me....

I love you Mom, so very much!! This is the year when God will take me higher to do all I ever wanted to do for my family and that's own our business, he planted the seeds long time ago... Now manifestation is coming..

Happy Mothers Day To ALL!!!!

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE AND TIME!!!

I love you and so Does God!!!

One Love One Blood shed for you and ME!!!

Smart Diva

Thursday, May 6, 2010

God Is Everything To Me

When I think about this journey, my heart starts to rejoice. I think about where I have been and the lessons I have learned, and when I realize what God brought me through, then I realize God is every thing too me.

The singer Monica has a great song based on a man, and as great as that song really is, I still place the focus back on God. It's true when we are living for ourselves we forget what it is God wants to do for our lives. I am so blessed to be able to see Gods purpose, and through his discipline, I am now able too use my pain in past to help others in their future.

When we place our hopes and dreams in the desires of the world, we find ourselves always trying to find a place here, see when we start searching in truth we allow God to have his way, which is better than our way.

While living in Vegas, I listened to so much Gospel R & B because I was now embarking on a truth that now needed to come out of me, see when we start searching for the truth, we start to allow God to reveal to us, the hidden and dormant gifts and talents and abilities that he has given to us. Marvin Sapp song it beautifully when he said, " never could have made it, without you" We do need God to make it, and that is for sure.

We are special to God, and there is a not a person in this world, that God doesn't love, however the questions is how much does one love God.

Today, I celebrate a year of celibacy, the world may say that's strange, I should not be promoting that, however the lord says we are to honor our bodies, and as I celebrate the purity of my beingness heart body and soul, I know for sure that the lord has called me to do something quite profound for his children.

This is a season hope and change, and when we are changing we are hopeful in the things we can't see, because we trust what God is doing. The best thing about having a hope is that you, place all your worries and stresses to knowing that God is about to elevate you much higher than you were before.

These past few years have been so hard for many of us, but what God is getting ready to do, is bigger than what we can see, and God children, are getting ready to get blessings like no other, see when place our attention on God see where he will take you. Don't let people shatter your dreams, because what God is ready to do, will blow your mind.

Stay prayerful and faithful, and place your faith in the now and the hope in the future, and allow God to be your everything and see where it will take you.

Always remember the most valuable things we have in this life is love and time. Love is in season and real soul mates are coming, it's correcting of time, and giving us back what we never lost. Time is in the now, and the knowing that what God wants for your life is far greater than what you see, and patience is the key, and God timing is far greater than our own.

Smart Diva

One Love One Blood shed for you and ME!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Restoration In God

Today, In service..all I could say, was that God was alive in my church today. See, when God is getting ready to do something big, he brings extraordinary people to help deliver his message.

The beauty about being a believer is not in the entitlement that Christians start to feel, once we are baptized in the spirit. The gift that we are given once we start trusting him, is the knowing that God is restoring us, bigger and better than who we were before, and it's about the " trust" that we are given.

Restoration in Jesus, is what we need, see people, we must understand, that you can read all the scripture in the world, however if you do not build a personal relationship with God, you will become so lost and away from the real truth, that is given to us, by the blood of the son Jesus.

The time is coming more than ever, that God is using us, do some profound things, this new season is about Gods children, it's time to go out in numbers, and stop holding on to religion, and start putting you faith and your trust to do Gods work..See we need to be spirit lead to do the work of God.

When, we follow God, we allow his will do be done, God gives us the people that we need, not the people that we want. The restoration of God is the building of Self.

Life will give us challenges, and God will give us bruises, because he needs to grow us to bring us into the person that he made us to be,the day he anointed us in the spirit of Jesus.

As, I am writing this blog, I think about Rev Hughlen ( Holy Defender Church) and I think about a man, that could have made his past life, shape his future, and cry the woe is me story. However, this man took every trial that God gave to him, to help him go out and save souls, the way God knew he would use him for...

See you can't testify to someone if God has never placed you in some test, God wants to do something so big for you, but we must understand that Gods way is the only way.

The spirit is alive and God is about to bless his children so abundantly, and the new you is coming out, and showing out in the likeness God wants...

Use your story to bring a brother and sister to Christ, the way the father wanted it.

See the rewards that will come after you, for being so obedient to God.... " We must Praise" J Moss song it best!!

This is a new month, and receive all that God has given unto you, decree it that your blessings will overflow, and that God is getting ready to elevate you.

This is our time!

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is Love & Time: The greatest gifts God gave to man!

I love you,

One Love One Blood Shed for you and me

Smart Diva