Sunday, July 25, 2010

" You Complete Me"

When I think about the love of another within the manifestation of Gods creation, I become floored in what God brings too us when he fulfills the desires of the heart.

In modern day culture we have so many levels of what people call " LOVE" however many people, still haven't any clue about the sacred word it's self.

With the filth of Reality Tv, and the confusion with celebrities who have extra-marital affairs as though they are eating a variety of pink berry, people tend to loose focus on what having a soul mate is really about.

This is the season of a change, and not just any change, it's one that God is fulfilling the desires and giving the awakening of love, purpose, and completeness.

When we are in tune within the love of God, he brings to us the connections that we put out by the energy of the likeness of God.

When someone completes you, they are they other half of you, they bring a sense of closure of the heart, that is not worldly it's eternal.

Love is a word, that defines something that is un-conditional it's not selfish , it's not prideful and it's not boastful it just is pure and simple it's "Love" so unspoken.

Many marriages, are in season, and people are getting the granted wish of the father, however we must discern the desires from the wants, from what it is that God wants and desires for his children.

I will complete this blog in dedication to my Drums:

For the love I have for you goes deeper than the eyes I can see. God sent you back around to me, so we could fulfill our destiny.

I love you for you your spirit and the act of kindness that you demonstrate. We have always known that God connection that he gives too is deeper than what we could see.

You complete me in words that are so un-spoken and in that fulfillment you cater to desires that are not in pyhsical form, that is who we use to be, now we are the connection of the divine.

We are getting ready to start on a new season, and all that was placed in the universe is now arriving. This will not be easy, but God has control through the essence of our love.

The spirit of our hearts, will allow us to go out and set sail on the mission trips the lord is calling us to do. The Revelations are already in season, and many will not understand, but when the lord calls us we must submit and obey.

How I love thee let me count the ways, well in this case there is only one " DESTINY"

God bless all of you, and enjoy this season of perfection..for the lord is taking us to a whole new level to do his will. Stay encouraged and keep the faith, and don't doubt what the lord tells you, just obey.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE & TIME!!

God bless all of you, and I can't wait to share with you the unfoldment in love and career it's all for God.

Thy will be done.

Smart Diva

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Love Turns Into Awakening

One of the greatest gift God gave to mankind was " LOVE" and he gave it too us so we could be better disciples for the world, and live in away that honors the sacrifice of his only begotten son.

This month for me is very sacred it is the Seventh month of the year which a great biblical significance since the 7 represents the completion. When I set out too write this blog I was making sure that all that is well within my soul is manifesting itself in the words that I will type.

Love is such a powerful source, that it can change anything and anyone especially when it's in the alignment with prayer. Most of us when we are learning to love we are shown by what we see when we are around the people that teach us, the scary part about that is the fact some people grow up with a very worldly view on the word.

When I discovered the art of " unconditional" love I set out on a discovery of who I was and what the word really meant too me.. Before I had met love in 2004 I had been drifting in a false since of reality of what the word meant. It wasn't until God introduced me to this dynamic that my life for the first time, turned into a value of understanding not just who I was, but in the understanding of who the other person was.

In life God allows people to enter our lives to teach us something that is missing, we begin to understand that as we set out to grow and to travel within this spectrum of life, we start to gravitate toward who and what we are like. It's in that energy form that we get what we set out to attain based on what we have been conditioned too.

In 2001 my heart was lead to a being of escape and fun this person was a drum beat to who my sense of living fell into a shift of love. This love was of something higher than a comfort of bodies, it was deeper than tranquil waters it was soothing like a island of waves.

When we were together it was a completeness that we brought to one another that was deeper than just the physical it was spiritual. We realized that when we were together we brought out something that was of the divine, it was from God.

As the years have passed, we have studied and found out why we have been connected to one another and it has been because of a spiritual awakening..When God wants us to wake up, he brings us the people that we need, too help us grow.

When we are walking in darkness, God can look into our hearts and see the battles that go on well within our soul and he helps us achieve that level awakening, when someone takes the time too love us the way Jesus loved.

When God brings two people together he aligns us for the greater good of the world, especially when you have two people who share the same common goal, and that is too help change the world.

When I think about my life, I am so happy with all of the people I have met on this journey, I am happy that God brought love into my life, because it's such a great feeling to love people in such a way that it brings Joy to your heart when they awaken to the real meaning of life.

I am anticipating the next chapter in my life, God is awakeing the other half of me, and him and I will go out and continue to make disciples of Gods children through our testimony.

The best feeling in the world is when you have all of that Faith combined with Gods confirmation in his path for your life. Learn to be still and trust God, and listen that small voice that lies within all of us. Trust the process of the time that God places us together with the one he has chosen.

Awaken to the realities of life in the being of just that "being" When you have truly met the one, it becomes so unspoken because it just is. Nothing comes easy, it comes with time and patience and most of all " trust" When God gives you a vision he gives you insight to ones destiny.. As you embark on this new path of discovery there is where you will find the awakening and the soul growth within.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE & TIME

Decree that the dreams and the desires of the heart is alive and well. For what the lord is doing you would have never dreamed it could happen too you. God is getting ready to shift us higher and make the impossible possible.

Receive your blessing it's coming. God thank you for my drums and may the love you have for both of us, it will allow us to go out and help those people that we use to be, when I see him..I see your son in his eyes. I will never forget that day, when he came to take me back home, I knew in that moment, when he blew the kiss from the window, he would be the man I would marry just not in my time, but in yours.

I love you and so does God

Smart Diva

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Best Friends to Marriage

As, I started to write this blog, I wanted to make sure that all I needed to say, would come out and be understood in the way the lord placed it on my spirit.

The biggest mistake that most people make when wanting to find love, they fail to understand that in order to find love, you have to find yourself. Many,people choose to allow the world to tell them when and how they are suppose to find the "one".

That's just it, with God there is no time, it's only his time. See, the times we are living in now, everyone want to rush ahead of God, and the thing about God, he want stop you, he will allow you to make the mistake, because it's another gained experience.

When I go back into my past, and I think about how I wanted to move fast and not discern in what the lord was telling me, I realized that had If I truly had my way, I would be miserable because that person I chose God did not choose for me.

God has away of giving us something better, beyond our own expectations, however we have to be obedient in the knowing that what God has in store is greater than what we want.

Real love takes time, anything that comes easy, has no real investment, especially when it comes to Marriage, that is not something that should be taken lightly.

When we seek our partners, we find ourselves in our other half and most of all you find your soul mate or as I say the God Mate. Honor God first of all. That person should be your best friend. That establishes all the key ingredients 1) TRUST. HONESTY.LOYALTY.SINCERITY.COMPROMISE.SELF LESS LOVE. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. COMMUNICATION.UNDERSTANDING. MOST OF ALL " PATIENCE"

These are the well established components that are needed to build something of value with someone that you are wanting to marry.

This is going to be a very powerful season for so many, and their will be lessons and their will be mistakes, if we lean on our own understanding.

Trust God, and be sure that you, are truly in alignment to his will and not our own. When you go before God, you alter what it is God has in store for you.

Love is the key ingredient to the wholeness and the completion of what God wants for your life.

Don't hurry anything in life, take it all in, and enjoy the growing together and the learning together, because when you know, that you have truly found the one, you will realize the time it took for it to really grow was a time of discovering not only your partner, but also you.

Keep God first place always, and remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

God is taking us all to a new level, watch out for unexpected blessings. Trust God always, remember we may want something right away, but God may not.

God bless all of you, and be sure God is leading in all decision making.

Smart Diva

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Destined Love

This is the month of "love" and I know for most of you, you are probably thinking that February is the month of love,however the lord has placed on my spirit, that it's time to speak about finding and knowing when God has placed your soul mate right in front of you.

This definition of the word soul mate is given to me by my "drums" This man is very special to me, and the love that I have in my spirit for him, goes way deeper than the desires of this world it's something that is unspoken it's just a connection of divinity.

Drums: a soul mate is someone that completes you.. Both our physical attractions, emotional, and spiritual... one that shares same goals and values. a best friend... Bonnie and Clyde!!! Romeo and Juliet, Marc Anthony and Cleopatra!

Wikipedia: •A soul mate is somebody with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility.

As I start to write this blog so many emotions come to play, because God is doing something so pro-found in this season for his children. God is correcting time, and he is allowing us to see the destiny that he has in store for his children who are obedient.

I have learned that the things that we may want, may not be what God wants for us, we are now waking up and discovering who we are, and in doing so we are aligning ourselves to the path that God has chosen for us.

Love is one of the strongest forces that God has given too us, however it is not until you have a personal relationship with God and then and only then are you able to see and know that the soul mate that God has chosen for you is truly the other half of you.

For as long as I could remember I have loved the idea of love, and not just the melodramatics of TV I am speaking of the true soul connection of another.

See, when we find that person that ignites a spiritual connection to the core of our spirit we are then able too see the light house that has always been there, but when we removed the dark lens of the world, we are then too see a clear view of what has been waiting for us all along.

Love was the driving force too my true awakening, in life we see the out come of the decisions that we make, and sometimes we are not happy about those decisions, but when God is leading the race it gets far deeper than what we are able too see.

When we learn to love ourselves the way Jesus loves, God then connects us to the destiny of our evolution.

This is a very significant time for so many of us, because God is moving very fast to connect us with one another in only ways he could do.It's time for us to join together and bring love back across this Globe.

Not, only that..we are also obtaining true love in the process, when you are able to have a solid spiritual connection to another, it far exceeds anything you could have imagined.

Before this month ends, I will truly have a great surprise in my own love life to share with you, when you know when God has given you your soul mate, you just know, it's so complete...

Be ready for the new and embrace what God gives too you, expect miracles, and answered prayers, so much is in store for all of us, keep faith, hope, and believe and see who and what God brings to you...It's going to shock you, This is a message well within my soul.

Remember love and time is what we have, and with that we can conquer anything..

I love you and so does God.

Smart Diva