Hello to all that have arrived to my blog, I am so excited to be doing something that has weighed on my spirit for far to long, and now it has finally arrived.
I decided to truly speak what is on my heart, because by the grace of God, I am wanting to go out and continue to seek those who are looking to make a difference in this painful world.
So much is happening in the world, between unemployment in high numbers, horrible murders happening daily, and the school systems having a hard time sustaining, and so much more.
I start to ask myself what is going on? and how can I do my part, on helping this world become a better place.
This world is missing "Love" through all the pain and turmoil that is happening, the two things we must hold on to is "love" and "time" Love: Is forever and Time: is in the now, and we can never get it back.
When I think about love, I think of the way Jesus loved, and that was unconditionally, and with no judgment.
We must bring back Love, not just personal relationship love, but love for your fellow man. We must start to care again, and use our gifts and talents to help bridge the gap with a world that has fallen.
When we lost one of the greatest entertainers of all time ( Michael Jackson) many, are still grieving, and when you listen to his Earth Song, you get the message of what he was trying to say, What have we done to the world?
It's time to get involved in something that can leave someone better off, than what they were before, I always say a smile is free, and we never know, how that can change someones life completely around.
I am on a mission to help bring love back, and I would love to here from those of you out there, who are also on this divine mission.
My blogs will cover real talk topics, its all truly for love. I hope everyone of you, will enjoy these topics, it will always be something exciting and different.
Keep living your dreams, never let anyone tell you can't! You can do anything you set your mind to.
One Love
Smart Diva
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