For one to understand love, one has to truly understand the essence of love is in the knowing that you are worthy to be loved, because the universal source that we share is "love".
One of my favorite shows on TV is a show called " The Game" and the reason why I like this show is for the simple fact that when it comes to love, it is not a game. What God places together if its his will it can not be broken.
The mistakes that most of us make, when we are searching for love, we fail to understand that only by learning who we are as a "being" can we then begin to give ourselves to others.
I remember when I was with my ex their was so many mistakes that him and I made, based on unrealistic goals that we had in place, because we felt "we" placed our relationship together, and now " we" were in charge of maintaining that relationship. That's when we failed,
See the dynamic of "being" with someone one is in the knowing that God chose two to make a "whole" and by choosing he has already mapped out why this relationship is to be?
While working as an online relationship consultant, and speaking with the clients, it was quite astonishing to hear how many people felt, if they played games with their partners it allowed them to know the level of commitment that they had.
Now, the moment we add this dynamic to the equation we have already set ourselves up for failure.
When I look at the main characters on the show "Melanie" and " Derwin" you have two people, who love each other, however the temptation of the world, gives them doubt, that if money, fame, ego, materialism, pride, lust come into this relationship it is destroyed.
Truly in truth, when we allow the wilds of Satan, to come to us, it's never just in the seen, it's starts in the mind, some of the biggest mistakes that we make when finding and keeping love, we start to create in our minds, which brings this energy of the corruption of false truth that we have created.
In order for me to write this blog, I went back in my "love database" and realized, the most complicated thing we do when wanting and sharing love, we think, and act and react from emotion, and once that strikes, we are now left trying to figure out, where did we go wrong?
Painful words start to form, that penetrates the soul of the other we love, expression hurts the eyes, no longer that wholesome image we treasured so much, has been placed with a stare, that cuts so deeply.
So, how do we avoid this? Lets go back and look at the reasons why we loved this person in the first place? Do we really know who we are, when we enter into these relationships, and for what reasons? Love that is based on a lie, and a need is never in the alignment to the will of the father, because the moment manipulation and selfishness enter, you have already rested on the will of self and not the will of God.
So, lets all do something, lets really evaluate what it is we are looking for when we are searching for love? If you are in a relationship let's start evaluating on what is we are seeking? Not the expectation of the partner but from you, the true intention is determined by the frame of the mind and the heart.
God is love, and his love is never wrong.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is " Love" : It's universal and it's always there, and " Time" : We can never get it back! So love hard and enjoy all the time, it's all we have.
One Blood One Love ( shed for you and me)
Smart Diva
Beautiful writing, beautiful blog. You really have a good understanding on the topic of love. Continue the good work.