We live in a society that controls are minds by what we see, feel, and most of think. Because we live in a world that is so caught up on image, we forget to realize that living in a world that is so worldy, we forget that we belong to God.
Most people seem to think that were we start in life, is were we will end, and that is false. In life we are able to create a path, have faith and trust that all that you achieve to want to do and attain can be done, by trusting God.
I speak so much about God, because the world tells us that we control our own destiny, the truth is we do have free will which is what God gives us freely. However, when we are spirit led God allows us to make the right decesions, which places us closer to our destinations, without painful bumps and bruises.
No matter where you have been, and the pain that has been afflicted on you, You Can Change Your Life! It starts by You! and Most of all the help of God.
This is the happiest moment in my life, not because I have all the wordly desires, it's because God has transformed my life, and all of the things that once mattered, sex, clubs, money, status, looks, pride, ego, drinking. Those toxic things no longer control my life, because God allows me to see the real beauty of life and that is serving him. Some think that once you become a Christian that life is over, that is false my friends, Life is STARTING!!
You are able to live your life so free from what the world tells you matters. When we look at the news and we see third world countries it's so easy to say, Hey that's not me, However have you thought about that being you?
We must start helping each other become better, that is were the love "begins" it's by you and me. Love is just not a force of finding a mate, it's about caring, and encouraging someone who is drifting with No Hope.
In order for one to change their life, they have to be willing to sacrafice all of the things that are hindering you to change.
You can't quit drugs if you hang with the same people, You can't stop having multiple sex partners if you are placing yourself in places that causes you to disrespect yourself. You can't kick bad eating habits, if you keep buying the wrong foods, the bottom line is if you want to change your life, you have to get the help from God.
The Victory is yours, we must rise from the self destruction of the mind, and become spirit driven by the force of Love. It's such a great feeling when you see someone who has changed their life because they found God.
Satan gets angry at that, because God attained another soldier in his Kingdom. We can live a life here on earth that feels like Heaven, peaceful, patient, kind and full of Joy.
The world is changing as we know it, and God is waking up his children, while we have the time. Start committing yourself to things that matter, and see how different and fast your life will change.
This blog can't end without me quoting a song from the late Great Michael Jackson " "When someone in the dark reaches out to you" they touch on the spot that comes shinning through. There is a shinning part in all of us, and God send his Angels to help bring it out. So, if you want to change your life, and become better, Start today, there is never a better time than Now!
Remember the most vaulable thing we have in life is LOVE: It's universal and Time: We can never Get it back!
So live free, live with Joy and always treat others with kindess and Respect. It's ok to love the unlovable because Jesus loves you.
One love One Blood shed for you and Me(:
Smart Diva
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