I would like to wish all of you, a Happy 2010! This is going to be such a great year, claim it because time with God is never a bore, and what he is doing for his children will impact the world.
This blog is the best thing, besides the start of my talk show, that has happened to me. It is allowing me to go out and do my part in a world, that is so hungry for "hope" and God is allowing me to be a piece of this puzzle of " change" and for that I am so eternally grateful.
" Beating The Odds" is going to be a 3 part focus for these next couple of weeks, because the message is this " No matter what your life started as, you can do and accomplish what the father has destined you to do" I've been meeting so many new people, and it's like God brought them to me, because like all of us " We have a story to be told" and the message of the blogs and the talk show, is to bring awareness to topics, that people are afraid to talk about.
The second show we have filmed is going to be about " Going from the streets to making beats" with my boy " Derrick" this man, has totally changed his life around, and now uses his time to mentor to the youth through sports, while starting a posistive rap career, and producing Gods talented and gifted children. ( Real Talk) See, we can never have a testimony if we have no test! and God allows us to endure trials, so he can mold us and use us to make a difference in someone else's life.
We never know how our story, can impact someone from either death, suicide, or prison.
We can all beat the odds, and most of us have already succeded. The time is now!
Let's make a pact that we will bring salvation back, by using our story to help someone else.
Michael Jackson, left his light for us to follow, and it doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you are helping someone to become better, in a world that is so lost in sin and confusion. In the lyrics of Good Ole Michael " Before you judge me, take time to know me look within your heart than ask"
Let's stop judging people, about were they have been, we all have made mistakes, I know that I have, and none of us are perfect. Remember, some one dies for our sins, so make no more excues, Go out and make a difference. LETS BEAT THE ODDS!!!
God bless you, and remember the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE AND TIME
So love hard and enjoy family and friends and love for your fellow man.
Smart Diva
One Love One Blood shed for you and Me!
Those were beautiful words of encouragement ms.diva this is graveyard guard from bank of america....we speak every Tuesday and Wednesday morning. I just wanted to say your doing a great job. I have not seen the show yet, I can't pull it up on my phone but I love the great words of encouragement.....Jesus loves u this I know for the bible tells u so....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support, Its so nice to see you, and that God placed you in the front. You have so much light and God is using you to bring smiles to those that cross you path like me(: It's always good to meet Gods children.