When I got ready to write this blog so many images came into my mind. I love the month of February it's that time of the year, when it seems that people start to realize just how important people mean to them.
I know that the world tells us it's this one big hall mark month, because it's close to Valentines day and if you don't have a mate, it makes you feel as though you are not important.
Well, this blog is for all of my people out there to let you know, that you are never alone, and never let a holiday validate who you are. Love is a universal force that is a dynamic of God's love for all of us. The way he brings people together to celebrate and honor "Love" for all of human mankind. This is just going to be such a great year for all of God's children, because we are now waking up to the truth that he is revealing to us.
Love, is just not based on mates, its based on how we love "people" Everyday and every month is given to us to live free, and joyful, and happy and expecting. Yes, I said it, "expect" for God to pour out blessings like no other, I claimed it once the year changed, because even though we had problems, and people lost their jobs we learned valuable lessons in 08 and 09 we learned that God knows how to handle our problems.
We must trust and dedicate our lives back to loving one another and being a part of a change that's so needed in this world.
I am truly being led by the spirit to write this blog, I just know that the lord is getting ready to do the super natural and powerful, because we are learning to love one another based on us going through "humility" and with that humility we realize that we really are all one of the "same"
We must decree and touch and agree that we will not, and we can not be defeated. I learned from a wise woman, who told me, nothing is as hard as it seems! We must learn to step out on faith, and be strong in our conviction that we want and we will do better.
As I was writing my book, something came to me, and it was " There is no fear in success, just the fear in failure of wanting to succeed. ( Ponder that) We get so afraid of living that we forget that God made the heaven and the earth in 6days and rested on the 7Th. If he can do that, can you imagine what we can do!
Let's stop being defeated, let's get ready for blessings let 2010 be your friend, and support you in this "win" If you are single get ready to meet your mate, if you are jobless, Get ready to get that new job(: If you are looking for a new place to live, Watch how God is getting ready to bless you!!! Stay aligned to his will, and continue to serve him and obey and see what he's getting ready to do.
Remember, we have only one chance to get it right!! Live it free and live it with Hope and Faith and most of all "LOVE"
In the words of Michael Jackson " Heal The world, make it better place for you and for me and the entire human race"
Always know, that the most valuable thing we have in this life is " Love" It's universal and it's so easy and free to give. Time: We can never get it back, all we have is this moment!!
I love you and so does God!!
Smart Diva
One Love One blood shed for you and Me!!
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