As God is getting ready to change my life in such a pro found way, I thank him daily for giving me so much guidance and wisdom. The beauty in being still with you, allows me to channel in and hear the holy spirit lead me. I knew all along the man you had chosen, he would be created in your image, he would be my friend and would help me do this walk with you.
Anything that is worth having it comes with patience, love never dies, especially when God places it together. You complete me, and make me whole, a life with you will never get old. Time is now, and it rings in our heart, allowing God too lead us is where we now start.
Helping too bring awakening to Gods children, you are my MEHR, light and time beats out darkness and lies. Now God brought us back together in his time... The day of our wedding I will read the letter I wrote to you, you were the other half of me, and I for you, now as we get ready to accomplish Gods mission, I knew I could spend my life with you.
" Spend My Life With You" ( Written By April Nicole) Dedication Chosen You
Waking up, gives meaning to "you"
Expecting that all I need was given the day you came my way
What I wanted was not what I needed, but what I needed was " greeted"
How special of a man you are, I knew it from the start
He chose you to be the man, that holds my heart
Life is trivial, when you awaken to precious joy
That is never forsaken, How beautiful you are to me
You adore woman, respect, loyalty, are your qualities
Age of a number means not a thing, I get so lost
In your world, of divine teachings of " gifts"
You and I were " meant" My visions came with a trust
No matter, how many men came after me, they could never replace your "touch"
" At last your seed brought your love back to me"
" Heaven only knows, how I adore you so"
Baptism elevates my spirtiualism, wiping the slate clean
Now, the wedding bells start to ring,
" Love always changes the world"
" Yeah, I told you, I would always be your girl
" The Five people you'll meet in Heaven, will be the people hearts you touched, and one will be me"
You helped me to learn my purpose and serve in "ministry"
One thing that will always remain, and stay be true
As the sun sets along the ocean, and the waves flow so deep
Our love remains in history
Power of a second hand lions quotes are "true"
Now, I sleep my soul is complete
This journey always gave us clues,
" I knew I could " Spend My Life With You"
Copy Right: April Nicole
This will be such a great ending of the spring, and the welcoming of the Summer.
Wedding Bells ring so loud and Clear for so many, " love" how God is rejoicing..Glad that people are understanding that, love is special and true.
So many dreams and desires are coming true, This is harvest(:
I am so happy to be on the road to my true calling, using all gifts and talents, to teach and heal and to restore people. I was chosen(:
May God continue to bring prosperity, joy and abundance to all..
Enjoy this journey..The best is yet to come(:
Smart Diva
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