Monday, May 24, 2010

Marriage Vs Sex

This blog is the work for God, it has been placed on my spirit that I need to talk about Marriage Vs Sex, and that is because with all these false illusions of what finding love is all about, with horrible TV shows such as " For The Love of Ray J" "Flavor Of Love "and " Rock Of Love" " I Love New York" and the list goes on and on, This Garbage needs to be stopped. This filth is destroying not only the minds of this generation but also the generation that follows.

I share with people quite often, if you don't have a personal relationship with God and if you are not raised with Solid Christian Values, you will conform with this world, and once you do that you are knocking on Satan's door.

Why has it become so taboo for people to not want to marry? Whoever said marriage ruins things, did not have a positive influence on what Marriage is all about, down below you will find a very profound scripture right out of Genesis.

Gen. 2:18, 21-24

The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'...and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Now, ponder on this scripture and play it back until it hits the core of your soul. See, when we follow Gods way, it allows us to leave the lust and wickedness of the sexual prowess that the devil uses to seduce our minds and our souls. It pains me to think that so many of our younger generation are involving themselves in these sexual acts, and watching these horrible videos with sexual exploitation being out of control.

We are missing the art of true intimacy, the lord has been on my spirit in regards to this message, and for those of you who say who am I ? to speak on this, I have been there in the world. I know how it is just to enjoy and fornicate outside the laws of marriage, Not anymore!!!
( God be the glory ) I enjoy my celibacy it's OK to save yourselves for marriage and treat your body as a temple the way God wanted, just think for a second, if you had 10 sexual partners and your partner has had 10 sexual partners = 20 now let's times that by 10 and by to and the list can go on and on ( forget the math that equals a wide spread epidemic of diseases, cervical cancer, unwarranted pregnancies, and most of HIV.

I am on a move to help promote abstinence to our youth and teenagers until marriage, I am so happy that God is the driving force in my life, the husband God has chosen is a man that is the creation of God..we must bring marriages back, it's ok to be one with one partner. Don't let false doctrines tell you its ok to have multiple sexual partners, it is not!

God wants us to build back unity, the time is now...For those of you who contaminate your minds with porn and illicit sexual material, just think to yourself if that was your son or daughter? Also, when we go before God we will be judged for all we have done.

None of us fall short on having lived a sinless life, but we can all change now, and decide to pick up our crosses and allow God to change our lives.

Many people, who knew me when I was living in the world, I was fun and and wild, but it's when God showed me TRUE LOVE, that I have a new excitement on how I live my life, and knowing that on my wedding day, my husband can be ok, with knowing that my body became Gods temple when God brought me back home to him.

It is time that we must all do apart in making this world a better place to be, and start back by bringing true love and marriage back. Nothing is easy in life but God is true to his word, and he gives us his message that he will never forsake us, and we should not with him either, let's be fruitful and multiply the right way, in marriage and unity.

Down below these are the qualities that men and women should look for in finding a Godly Mate

What Does the Bible Say?
• Wives - demonstrate godly character and quiet inner beauty.
• Husbands - honor their wives and be kind and gentle.
• Husbands and wives are equal partners.
• Husbands - love and sacrifice.
• Wives - submit.

If we all can take on the roles of the bible we will be able to bring back the art of what love and marriage is all about. It's on my spirit that so many marriages are getting ready to take place, and as we allow the vows to penetrate our souls let God do the rest, stay prayerful keep God first place, find a church to serve, and set out and do the will of God and see how high he will take you..

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.. Love always and enjoy the time with those you love..

I love you and so does God!!

One Love One Blood shed for you and me (:

Smart Diva

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