Sunday, April 1, 2012

The New Begining Is Here ( 100th Blog Anniversary)

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. ( Isaiah 43:19)

How many of you love the change of season ? I know I do, especially when it comes to spring time. That is when we start doing a lot of spring cleaning; all of things that we no longer need. Now, how many of you debate over what you need to keep and what needs to go ?

I know for me, I have those moments when I go back and fourth and reason within myself on why I need to keep certain things, until the Good Lord pounds on my spirit, and states " Child, let me give you something else, a new thing is coming".

This is time in our lives as we go into the fourth month of 2012 there has now been a shift in all things that used to be, becoming the old and now we welcome in the new.

I am so excited to write about the new time that is before us, we are now stepping into one of the greatest moments within our history, when the world as we know is about to change.

The lives of many of us are in the clearing out the old to bring in the new, God has many special and miraculous surprises in store for his children. We will start to see things that will manifest that only God could do, because now more than ever God want's all of us to see the power that is in his word, and the power he has entrusted within us all.

If you are a believer in Christ than you have been given the power of your Lord and savior through the Holy Spirit, to set out in this life and make the dream that has lied dormant within your soul a reality.

The Lord wants to bring it to fruition, the passion that we feel in our hearts and the changes that we are starting too see manifest within our souls is the knocking at the door of the Lord that is bringing the new thing to past.

When we go back at those things in life that we are so afraid to throw away, we have to keep the Faith that what God has in store is much better than what you think you have, and even if it's something truly of great value, if the Lord wants you to keep it, he will restore it, bigger and better than before.

April is going to be a great month of many answered prayers, God is giving his children a new beginning and in these great new changes, you will be shocked to see all that is coming your way...Let me break down the great new things that are before you..As I break each one down; I will end it with " Claim It! In Jesus Name"

1) If you have been praying for a financial break through ( " Claim It! In Jesus Name")

2) If you been praying on finding your husband or wife ( " Claim It! In Jesus Name")

3) If you are praying for a new job, or to have your new business be blessed ( " Claim It! In Jesus Name")

4) If you are praying to move to a new place and have all your needs met ( " Claim It! In Jesus Name")

5) If you have been praying for physical and emotional healing ( " Claim It! In Jesus Name")

Now, if you have recited these miracles and the start to your new beginnings get ready to see the hand of God work for you in ways you have never seen before. The lord placed this message on my heart to let his children know, that your prayers have been received, and that God has blessings coming your way, and please when it happens, be sure to thank the Lord and Thank him everyday, for the greatest gift God gave us to him is the connection through prayer..

When the Father looks at the heart he sees all that lies within and when it's according to his will, it will manifest. I speak this new season of greatness upon your life, and I say it is so in " Jesus name" As we get ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ we stand on the promise that the Father died and Rose again to show us that no matter what something may look like, when we believe in the Lord and we have no doubt you will see a miracle happen right before your eyes. ( Your new life will be resurrected)

Inclusion : I am very happy to announce that this is the anniversary of my 100th Blog, to God be the Glory.

I have truly enjoyed this three year journey with all of you, I am so excited for the next three years and the future of each one of our lives as we get ready to set sail on the new horizons of our destiny. Each one of you are very special to me, and I thank God that I am able to give you the words of the message that the lord places on my heart to his children.

This is the start of a new season and in this season embrace all the greatness the Father has in store for you..

Remember that I love you, and so does God...

April Nicole

One Love One Blood shed for you and me...

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