Sunday, June 26, 2011

Soul Mates of Purpose

A soul mate ( or soul mate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility

God Created Marriage
“And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, he made into a woman, and brought her to the man.” Genesis 2:22

Will Smith: "Families are like a business. The key is one person having a vision of what it needs to be and being able to pull everyone together. That's Jada for sure."

Gods Design: When I set out to write this blog, I am really in a state of a transitional phase in my life. As, I get ready to enter into this new cycle, I wanted to speak on the combined foundation of the lords plan for not only myself, but for so many who are now entering this phase that I call the " The Purpose"

The beauty behind the lives that we lead are designed by the lord himself. When we get ready to enter into the phase of purpose we welcome into a life that is now going to enrich not only our physical realms but the spiritual. When we set out to live a life free from the confinement of free will obtained by choice that we have made that in the past lead us to the end zone.

In today's society what is happening to marriages across the globe is pretty devastating. You have Hollywood couples hooking up and not even taken one of the greatest Vows to heart " To Honor and Obey" the reason why marriages and relationships are breaking is lack of GOD. In Genesis up above as you read back that scripture it states that " GOD TOOK FROM MAN TO CREATE WOMAN" In this creation God brought to the world as woman, it was contributed for them both to wed and to be fruitful and multiply.

In this society that we are living in people, have now created their own rules and in doing so many are receiving the wrath of God and most of their choices.

When you bring two people together who are equally yoked and they are lead by God and his purpose for their lives, he brings together something that is beautiful in of the spirit and in the design of wholeness that is now given, because you are complete and not lacking.

Can you imagine how this world would be if every one understood that true dynamic of ones soul mate. You would meet someone one be courted, you both have that connection to God, then you marry and have children and those children will continue that cycle of bringing life into this world upon the ways of God instead the ways of the world.

We are now needing to get back to the " equally yoked " and the soul mate = " Marriage"

For those who have gone before God and you are now in a place of desperation, I asked that you get aligned to God and seek biblical counseling. When we as a human race take out our own flesh and sinful desires, we now incorporate the laws of the universe to align you with to whom you have Godly kinship.

When God places two people together who have the same foundation set in God, he will use you in ways that are truly greater than ones self.

The illusionary walls are now being broken down from the old ways, God is doing a new thing. He is bringing to you, the other half of your heart. Loose your expectations and trust his promise for the direction of your life, and the other who completes the other half of your heart to set out and do this soul mate purpose.

I am writing this blog, based on much being lead upon my spirit in what God is getting ready to do for his children, so many people are called to a great mission, two by two. Together we are being called to do a mission for our father. In this mission those who are called will be able to help their fellow brothers and sisters.

Get ready to see the combination of answered prayers, and un expected miracles in love, purpose, and most of all " Eternal Rewards"

Open your hands and receive your blessings!

I love you and so does God !

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