Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't Trust Fear

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27: 1

So, now since this mass media hype is done with over May 21, I hope that most of Gods doubting children, and the insane atheist of the world, were able to finally realise, that the word of God is true, and that what Satan likes to do is use the mass media to give people a fear state of mind.

This is what brings people to a place of worry and panic, is the lack of trust and faith in God. As, I sit here and write this blog, I write in agitation, because it was so many people, be infused with this mass media abuse on the end of times. See, until we start taking accountability for what we allow in, we will not be able to defend ones self over the lies of Satan.

He is the father of lies, and he wants you to believe that some old man, and his insane so call followers are able to unlock some secret on when the lord will come. That is why we as followers of Jesus, are to stay in the word, and not add nor subtract from it, and do not allow false prophets to feed you, there propaganda to get you to truly ruin your lives, and at the same time,make you loose focus.

In some ways, the stir up of May 21st, should have many now asking them selves are you ready ? The father said in his word, not even the son or the Angels knew when he was coming, and that he would come unexpectantly like a thief in the night, and I don't know how many thieves make a public announcement that they are coming to rob your house, so there is no way, that man has a clue when that day will come.

However, I Will say this loud and clear " It's time more than ever for us to be ready " We are on Gods borrowed time, everyday should not be lived in Fear but in admiration on the day we see our fathers face, we should praise the gift of life that he has given and strive to make the world a better place. The way terrorist win and enemies, is when we allow them to gain power over our minds and our coming and goings. God did not equipped us with the spirit of Fear ! That is a lie from satan, when we live in the Holy spirit and the truth of God, something very deep lives in side of us, that is the power of Jesus, and it gives us the strength of faith,hope and believe, that nothing nor know one can change.

Our greater days are here and they are to be enjoyed and treasured. God wants to do a new thing for this generation, and it has to do with HOPE! If you have no hope and you live in fear, you have just joined satans army. Now, if you trust and rest upon Gods words and his commandments you have now joined the Group of eternity.

We serve an awesome God ! He loves us, and never wants us to doubt him, or his word. I challenge all of you, that are Christ followers, start having bible study groups and teaching people the word of God. For the baby Christians that are growing still in God, I say be sure that you join a church that truly cares about teaching its disciples on the word of God. Take each day and read your word, if we can all log on to face book, and text messages, we can spend time with God.

When we go before the father, he will not ask how many text messages we had, or how many people we had on our friends list, or how many times we change our photos, he will say how did you use that to speak to my children about the word of God.

We do not have to allow the social media, to be place were bullies unite, or pedophiles lurk, or where people get dates, we can use these tools as a means to spread the word of God ! Satan, can throw anything our way, but God have given us the power to defeat him with his own tactics. After all he was just a fallen Angel !

I pray Gods blessings upon us all, we are in a season of Gods greatness, no matter what we may see, the father is not done with us yet. This Gospel will be spread across nations, and he will fulfill his promise to his children.

Be ready to receive his blessings daily, he is a just God, and what satan uses to scare us, God uses build our character.

Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

I love you and so does God !

One Love One Blood Shed for you and me !

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