When God places a vision on your heart, and you ask yourself, How can I do this? You start not only trusting what the lord has placed on your heart, you start seeing it manifest.
This month is very significant for me, because over 3 months ago, the lord placed on my spirit, that it was time that I placed my own desires to the side, and fulfilled a Global Mission for him, that would bring his children closer to him in the same way, that many Angels came to me to help me on my own self discovery of not only me, but knowing that I am a child of God.
When we begin to grow and allow God to show us the beauty in the gifts and talents that he has given us, we then tap into something that takes us to our destiny. The time that we have here on this planet is so very small, God is shifting this planet, and more than ever people are waking up to the real truth of what it means to place your fellow man before yourself.
For many this new journey will be one that will shift you out of your comfort zone, because when God needs to place you some where, he will move you, and in that process he is taking you higher, Just trust him.
We are getting ready to manifest Greatness once again, these times that are coming will be one for your advancement Just allow God to have his way.
I am so excited to teach principles that have helped me change my life, and nothing at this moment I care to do, but to teach people how to live their lives free from the bondage of this world.
People all over the world are waking up to the real value of life, and that Value is of light and Truth and more than ever, we are not able to run from the " truth" God is correcting time, and he is giving us back what we think we lost, we are being restored to " BEAUTIFUL"
This new season that is before us is one of True Beauty of serving, and enjoying the new places God is taking us. We have to keep Hope alive it's so very true, faith is in the now, and Hope is for the future.
See, with Hope we can weather any storm, we can block any fear and worries that intercede our spirit. See Hope is in the unseen, because we trust what the father has promised us, and the days ahead will be greater and lifted.
Be Ready and Receptive to the God change, start watching how people around you, will start changing and waking up, watch God open up the clouds and bring things that you thought you lost back to you,
God is restoring and healing relationships, and most of all he is propelling you, to your Global Mission. It's no longer about what you want to do, it's about what God expects of you, and that is to humble yourselves, and loose your own wants and desires, and climb on board with him to eternal new beginnings, I am just a vessel and I am here to place his message very clear
Step to the side, and loose your self, and find the ways of God and watch the door of plenty of opportunities for you to be blessed in only the ways, that God can do, and that my friends is true Greatness.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in this life is love & time
Live every day as though it is the last, and be a blessing to others, and watch your life change.
I love you and so does God!
Smart Diva
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