When God places a vision on your heart, and you ask yourself, How can I do this? You start not only trusting what the lord has placed on your heart, you start seeing it manifest.
This month is very significant for me, because over 3 months ago, the lord placed on my spirit, that it was time that I placed my own desires to the side, and fulfilled a Global Mission for him, that would bring his children closer to him in the same way, that many Angels came to me to help me on my own self discovery of not only me, but knowing that I am a child of God.
When we begin to grow and allow God to show us the beauty in the gifts and talents that he has given us, we then tap into something that takes us to our destiny. The time that we have here on this planet is so very small, God is shifting this planet, and more than ever people are waking up to the real truth of what it means to place your fellow man before yourself.
For many this new journey will be one that will shift you out of your comfort zone, because when God needs to place you some where, he will move you, and in that process he is taking you higher, Just trust him.
We are getting ready to manifest Greatness once again, these times that are coming will be one for your advancement Just allow God to have his way.
I am so excited to teach principles that have helped me change my life, and nothing at this moment I care to do, but to teach people how to live their lives free from the bondage of this world.
People all over the world are waking up to the real value of life, and that Value is of light and Truth and more than ever, we are not able to run from the " truth" God is correcting time, and he is giving us back what we think we lost, we are being restored to " BEAUTIFUL"
This new season that is before us is one of True Beauty of serving, and enjoying the new places God is taking us. We have to keep Hope alive it's so very true, faith is in the now, and Hope is for the future.
See, with Hope we can weather any storm, we can block any fear and worries that intercede our spirit. See Hope is in the unseen, because we trust what the father has promised us, and the days ahead will be greater and lifted.
Be Ready and Receptive to the God change, start watching how people around you, will start changing and waking up, watch God open up the clouds and bring things that you thought you lost back to you,
God is restoring and healing relationships, and most of all he is propelling you, to your Global Mission. It's no longer about what you want to do, it's about what God expects of you, and that is to humble yourselves, and loose your own wants and desires, and climb on board with him to eternal new beginnings, I am just a vessel and I am here to place his message very clear
Step to the side, and loose your self, and find the ways of God and watch the door of plenty of opportunities for you to be blessed in only the ways, that God can do, and that my friends is true Greatness.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in this life is love & time
Live every day as though it is the last, and be a blessing to others, and watch your life change.
I love you and so does God!
Smart Diva
This show is all about the awareness of " Love" it's time to bring it back, God is just so Good!! This blog is all about helping people understand, love is all there is. The greatest gift from God.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Full Circle Of Love
August is a very significant month for me in every way. The trust in the father is truly of the divine. When God places a promise on our heart, he is going to do it, just don't be surprised if it doesn't happen in your time.
When we think that God has closed a door, sometimes he says just not right now. I have learned when I try to make things on my own clock, God says oooooooooh no! you have to wait for me.
I am so elated to write this blog, because as I speak God is in full control, giving back to his children what we think we lost. See, when you really set out and do this walk with God, you may begin to see so many dramatic changes in your life, people may go away, your mind starts changing, your spirit takes on a new you, and most of all you discover " life" and the importance of it.
This is such a great time in the lives of Gods children, people are wanting to start changing their lives,because what we think we wanted and needed is no longer. The value of life starts to form and then is when we get it, that all we need and want is not from the world, it's from God.
See, God brings us back full circle within our destiny, many of us will try and run, and go ahead of God, and trust me, he will let you move, but when he gets ready to bring you back, that's when you know truly the lord is real.
For so many of us, we are now completing chapters in our books of life, and all that once was lost is now found.
I am reminded daily on how God loves each and everyone one of us, and he wants the best for us, but we have to know that we are worthy of his love, and what he has in store.
Obstacles and challenges happen daily, that is when the faith starts to show up and show out. This will be a great closing of the summer, God is taking us to another level, and most of all the purpose of your life is coming to you full circle.
When God knows the desires of hearts and the his will for our life he brings about a miracle to happen, because deep down, at the end of this existence God wants us to complete the mission of serving him.
Marriages are in store, and many of them will come very fast including my own, I trust God, that who he chose is better than my own choice. This man is chosen by God, and he is ready to do this walk, there is no more wasting time. Prayer and Love awakened him, because of no longer wanting to drift without the love of God and his soul mate. God will bring us to the stop of humility and surrender to face the harsh realities that it's only Gods way.
I thank you God for all of the new changes in my life, and the life of your children. All honor and praise is to you and the love of you son, you have brought many of us to this place of wholeness, and it's through your unconditional love, you give too us even when it feels we are not deserving of it.
Silence speaks so loud when it's you God. The promise that you give to us, comes around full circle in love and for that we all are so grateful.
I am looking forward too this major change in my life, and I know the other half of me is my complete, because you showed me and that's how I know.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is Love & Time
Get ready for Gods unexpected surprise, it is coming, and this will explain why he does what he does. Faith, Hope and Trust...Gods way!!
Smart Diva
When we think that God has closed a door, sometimes he says just not right now. I have learned when I try to make things on my own clock, God says oooooooooh no! you have to wait for me.
I am so elated to write this blog, because as I speak God is in full control, giving back to his children what we think we lost. See, when you really set out and do this walk with God, you may begin to see so many dramatic changes in your life, people may go away, your mind starts changing, your spirit takes on a new you, and most of all you discover " life" and the importance of it.
This is such a great time in the lives of Gods children, people are wanting to start changing their lives,because what we think we wanted and needed is no longer. The value of life starts to form and then is when we get it, that all we need and want is not from the world, it's from God.
See, God brings us back full circle within our destiny, many of us will try and run, and go ahead of God, and trust me, he will let you move, but when he gets ready to bring you back, that's when you know truly the lord is real.
For so many of us, we are now completing chapters in our books of life, and all that once was lost is now found.
I am reminded daily on how God loves each and everyone one of us, and he wants the best for us, but we have to know that we are worthy of his love, and what he has in store.
Obstacles and challenges happen daily, that is when the faith starts to show up and show out. This will be a great closing of the summer, God is taking us to another level, and most of all the purpose of your life is coming to you full circle.
When God knows the desires of hearts and the his will for our life he brings about a miracle to happen, because deep down, at the end of this existence God wants us to complete the mission of serving him.
Marriages are in store, and many of them will come very fast including my own, I trust God, that who he chose is better than my own choice. This man is chosen by God, and he is ready to do this walk, there is no more wasting time. Prayer and Love awakened him, because of no longer wanting to drift without the love of God and his soul mate. God will bring us to the stop of humility and surrender to face the harsh realities that it's only Gods way.
I thank you God for all of the new changes in my life, and the life of your children. All honor and praise is to you and the love of you son, you have brought many of us to this place of wholeness, and it's through your unconditional love, you give too us even when it feels we are not deserving of it.
Silence speaks so loud when it's you God. The promise that you give to us, comes around full circle in love and for that we all are so grateful.
I am looking forward too this major change in my life, and I know the other half of me is my complete, because you showed me and that's how I know.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is Love & Time
Get ready for Gods unexpected surprise, it is coming, and this will explain why he does what he does. Faith, Hope and Trust...Gods way!!
Smart Diva
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Blessings From God!
This blog is so special for me to write this week, because for the past three days the lord has brought out his children to deliver his word for all ears to hear.
My church has been celebarting it's sixty sixth year, and that is truly a blessing. When the lord touches a place and puts his annointance upon it, we must be ready for all the miracles that will follow.
This weekend, I have learned so much, and the one thing, that the lord constantly reminds me, nothing is too big for him!!! We must stand on his promise that his will be done.
I am so proud too be a woman of God, and I am privledge that the lord saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I am found, ( as the song goes) See, when the father gets ready to move his children and call then to his purpose, we must be ready, because that call can come at anytime, for the lord it's always on his time, and not of our own.
This time that we are in, God is correcting time for his children, if you had given up on a dream it's time to be resurrected, if you given up on a marriage, it's getting ready to be resurrected, if you have given up on hope, God is getting ready to secure your future.
See, many people wish too get things without doing work, see the lord want's you to be down on bended knee and within the spirit he wants to feel your heart, and for you to confess to him all trhat you have done wrong, and repent and pick up your cross and follow him.
The greatest gift that we shall receive when this work on this earth is done, we will; be able too see the lords face and here him say, Thank you Child, you honored me!! You did not let the temptations of the world hinder your walk with me. You prayed for my children and you blessed them with your Grace, and now I shall reward you with eternity in my kingdom, job well done, my humble and faithful servant.
In order to get a blessing you have to believe and truly confess that God is real, people this new season of God light is going to bring about such a great new time of Joy, healing, restoration, peace, self fulfillment, and most of all " wholeness" that you can't get any where elese, but from God, are you ready?
If you want to see your blessings flow, Let Go and Let God, asked God what is you want, tell him what you need, Take his word back too him, live your life obedient to his word. Speak greatness over your life and some one else's and make sure most of all you honor and obey what the holy spirit leads you too do.
As I type these words, I feel the holy spirit on these keys, our lives are about to change and it's for greatness, I decree that what the lord is about to do for you, you would not be able to believe. He wants to shift you higher.
If you are in the midst of a storm, grab hold of the umbrella of the gospel and allow it too cover you, and protect for the lord is bringing the rainbow of divine and pro found change, This change is one for your elevation. Don't be afraid of how big the miracle is, be grateful that God is answering, nothing and no one is bigger than our lord, and when he shifts his children higher, it's because he knows what you need to set out and do his work.
Enjoy this month, it is the start of the new birth, and be ready for all the greatness too come, for what we are getting ready to recieve I am in total awe, there is never a promise that lord can't fulfil, he is able! We serve an awesome God!
Remember, the most valuable thing we have in this life is Love and Time!
Your time is now, and the lord is wanting to restore back all you lost, and give you back better.
One Love One Blood shed for you and me!
Smart Diva
My church has been celebarting it's sixty sixth year, and that is truly a blessing. When the lord touches a place and puts his annointance upon it, we must be ready for all the miracles that will follow.
This weekend, I have learned so much, and the one thing, that the lord constantly reminds me, nothing is too big for him!!! We must stand on his promise that his will be done.
I am so proud too be a woman of God, and I am privledge that the lord saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I am found, ( as the song goes) See, when the father gets ready to move his children and call then to his purpose, we must be ready, because that call can come at anytime, for the lord it's always on his time, and not of our own.
This time that we are in, God is correcting time for his children, if you had given up on a dream it's time to be resurrected, if you given up on a marriage, it's getting ready to be resurrected, if you have given up on hope, God is getting ready to secure your future.
See, many people wish too get things without doing work, see the lord want's you to be down on bended knee and within the spirit he wants to feel your heart, and for you to confess to him all trhat you have done wrong, and repent and pick up your cross and follow him.
The greatest gift that we shall receive when this work on this earth is done, we will; be able too see the lords face and here him say, Thank you Child, you honored me!! You did not let the temptations of the world hinder your walk with me. You prayed for my children and you blessed them with your Grace, and now I shall reward you with eternity in my kingdom, job well done, my humble and faithful servant.
In order to get a blessing you have to believe and truly confess that God is real, people this new season of God light is going to bring about such a great new time of Joy, healing, restoration, peace, self fulfillment, and most of all " wholeness" that you can't get any where elese, but from God, are you ready?
If you want to see your blessings flow, Let Go and Let God, asked God what is you want, tell him what you need, Take his word back too him, live your life obedient to his word. Speak greatness over your life and some one else's and make sure most of all you honor and obey what the holy spirit leads you too do.
As I type these words, I feel the holy spirit on these keys, our lives are about to change and it's for greatness, I decree that what the lord is about to do for you, you would not be able to believe. He wants to shift you higher.
If you are in the midst of a storm, grab hold of the umbrella of the gospel and allow it too cover you, and protect for the lord is bringing the rainbow of divine and pro found change, This change is one for your elevation. Don't be afraid of how big the miracle is, be grateful that God is answering, nothing and no one is bigger than our lord, and when he shifts his children higher, it's because he knows what you need to set out and do his work.
Enjoy this month, it is the start of the new birth, and be ready for all the greatness too come, for what we are getting ready to recieve I am in total awe, there is never a promise that lord can't fulfil, he is able! We serve an awesome God!
Remember, the most valuable thing we have in this life is Love and Time!
Your time is now, and the lord is wanting to restore back all you lost, and give you back better.
One Love One Blood shed for you and me!
Smart Diva
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Are you Ready For The Miracle?
This is the start to a whole new month, and it's slowly approaching to the close of summer and hello Fall.
Well, last month we were honoring the 7 month ( July. Completion) now this month we are saluting August, the 8Th month on the calender, and the significance in the number 8 it's the start of "new beginnings"
We are embarking on greater seasons in our lives, and God is taking all of his children to a whole new level, and I sure hope that all of you are ready for the miracle.
See, so many people choose not to believe that all you could think or want or need is granted to you, because the father knows and sees all. When it's in the alignment to his will, he grants us the miracle.
When we choose to follow the ways of God, he takes us to a level that is much higher than we could be able to understand.
The key to the miracle is in the obedience combined with Faith, you then allow God to bring you into the world of opportunities.
I love spending time with God daily, in each and everyday, God is orchestrating something so powerful.
I trust that God is always working in the lives of his children and bringing to the light all that we desire and lies dormant in our hearts.
The season that we are in is one of completion of light and truth. Trust that all you have ever thought about is coming to past.
I am so excited to write about this, as I am writing these words, I feel the holy spirit leading me too share with all of you the message that God has placed on my spirit on the dawn of a new day.
Do not be surprised if you start to getting huge blessings out of no where, or your true love comes back around, or you get that promotion that you wanted. Nothing is too big for God, and that is the truth, the messiah is wanting all of you to be ready, and look at the time that these are coming to past. You may not be where you want to be, but God has you where he wants you too be.
Stand on the promise, that all is coming to past, the devil never took because God never gave it.
We decree that the new beginning is now, this will be a month of elevation, Love is here, light has prevailed and the miracle has just begone..
Thank you God for all that you give too us, and the love you have for us. We are greater because you allow us to live in Joy and for that we are ever so grateful.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.
God bless all of you, and be ready for the miracle..
One Love One Blood shed for you and me (:
Smart Diva
Well, last month we were honoring the 7 month ( July. Completion) now this month we are saluting August, the 8Th month on the calender, and the significance in the number 8 it's the start of "new beginnings"
We are embarking on greater seasons in our lives, and God is taking all of his children to a whole new level, and I sure hope that all of you are ready for the miracle.
See, so many people choose not to believe that all you could think or want or need is granted to you, because the father knows and sees all. When it's in the alignment to his will, he grants us the miracle.
When we choose to follow the ways of God, he takes us to a level that is much higher than we could be able to understand.
The key to the miracle is in the obedience combined with Faith, you then allow God to bring you into the world of opportunities.
I love spending time with God daily, in each and everyday, God is orchestrating something so powerful.
I trust that God is always working in the lives of his children and bringing to the light all that we desire and lies dormant in our hearts.
The season that we are in is one of completion of light and truth. Trust that all you have ever thought about is coming to past.
I am so excited to write about this, as I am writing these words, I feel the holy spirit leading me too share with all of you the message that God has placed on my spirit on the dawn of a new day.
Do not be surprised if you start to getting huge blessings out of no where, or your true love comes back around, or you get that promotion that you wanted. Nothing is too big for God, and that is the truth, the messiah is wanting all of you to be ready, and look at the time that these are coming to past. You may not be where you want to be, but God has you where he wants you too be.
Stand on the promise, that all is coming to past, the devil never took because God never gave it.
We decree that the new beginning is now, this will be a month of elevation, Love is here, light has prevailed and the miracle has just begone..
Thank you God for all that you give too us, and the love you have for us. We are greater because you allow us to live in Joy and for that we are ever so grateful.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.
God bless all of you, and be ready for the miracle..
One Love One Blood shed for you and me (:
Smart Diva
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