Sunday, July 11, 2010

Best Friends to Marriage

As, I started to write this blog, I wanted to make sure that all I needed to say, would come out and be understood in the way the lord placed it on my spirit.

The biggest mistake that most people make when wanting to find love, they fail to understand that in order to find love, you have to find yourself. Many,people choose to allow the world to tell them when and how they are suppose to find the "one".

That's just it, with God there is no time, it's only his time. See, the times we are living in now, everyone want to rush ahead of God, and the thing about God, he want stop you, he will allow you to make the mistake, because it's another gained experience.

When I go back into my past, and I think about how I wanted to move fast and not discern in what the lord was telling me, I realized that had If I truly had my way, I would be miserable because that person I chose God did not choose for me.

God has away of giving us something better, beyond our own expectations, however we have to be obedient in the knowing that what God has in store is greater than what we want.

Real love takes time, anything that comes easy, has no real investment, especially when it comes to Marriage, that is not something that should be taken lightly.

When we seek our partners, we find ourselves in our other half and most of all you find your soul mate or as I say the God Mate. Honor God first of all. That person should be your best friend. That establishes all the key ingredients 1) TRUST. HONESTY.LOYALTY.SINCERITY.COMPROMISE.SELF LESS LOVE. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. COMMUNICATION.UNDERSTANDING. MOST OF ALL " PATIENCE"

These are the well established components that are needed to build something of value with someone that you are wanting to marry.

This is going to be a very powerful season for so many, and their will be lessons and their will be mistakes, if we lean on our own understanding.

Trust God, and be sure that you, are truly in alignment to his will and not our own. When you go before God, you alter what it is God has in store for you.

Love is the key ingredient to the wholeness and the completion of what God wants for your life.

Don't hurry anything in life, take it all in, and enjoy the growing together and the learning together, because when you know, that you have truly found the one, you will realize the time it took for it to really grow was a time of discovering not only your partner, but also you.

Keep God first place always, and remember the most valuable thing we have in life is love and time.

God is taking us all to a new level, watch out for unexpected blessings. Trust God always, remember we may want something right away, but God may not.

God bless all of you, and be sure God is leading in all decision making.

Smart Diva

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