So many times in life, we get so caught up, in the desires of the world, that we fail to realize, that some of the most greatest gifts that man, could have is the gift of the "holy spirit"
Everyday, I meet many incredible and different people, and the beauty of people, is the fact that we all have a very unique story and views when it comes to the great discovery of life.
It really does seem easy to think, that one can control his or her own destiny, however, it is true that we all have choices to make, and these choices are controlled by the leading of the spirit within you, however if there is no God or connection to God, then the world and the flesh controls us to make the decesions, that at the end can have severe ramifications.
This brings me to the topic of my blog, " Allow God to exalt you" I have come to realization, that many people in life, live a life that they have "chosen" for themselves, because they try to alter the calling God has chosen for you.
Patience is the name of the game, for the will that God has chosen for your life. You must trust and lean not on your own understanding. When we surrender to God, and loose our ways, we allow him to have his own way.
It's funny as I start to look back at my life, I always knew as a child, I would one day write books, and counsel people, because for some reason, it was something that I always enjoyed. I knew, that it was a unique and special gift, that God had given to me, not really knowing that a very ugly break up, turned out to be just what God needed back in 07 to place me to this higher level, that he had already knew would exalt me to the level he wants me at today and that's writing books and counseling people the same way I always wanted to do when I was a child. Pretty funny, how life brings us full circle, to our destiny after all.
The real beauty of launching a talk show, is not for the selfishness, it's because God is calling me to start reaching his children. If it takes every breath of my body, I am going to continue to spread the Good news, so many people are starting to say, that Religion is killing is people, well it's not religion that's killing people, it's lack of Faith, hope, peace, patience, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger,rage, greed, sex, politics,wars pornography, alcohol, debauchery, most of all lack of having "GOD" in your life. We can not do anything with out God, satan will tell you otherwise, false doctrines will tell you lies.
It's time for us to get it right now, do the will of the father, allow him to lead you, people who are bad for you, allow them to leave, or you walk away, nothing is worth more than your salvation.
Enjoy everyday, and don't look at this world, as the rest of your life, this is temporary and eternal is forever.
See, right now, this blog is turning into something else, the spirit is leading me, and I feel as I am writing this that God is about to do something so big in this world, his mission is to make us all " one"
Take the time to do good deeds, and be kind to your fellow brothers and sisters and understand that God is getting ready to do some extrodinary things for all of his children.
Remember the most valuable thing we have in life is "LOVE" Gods greatest Gift and TIME: We can never get it back!!
I love you and so does God!!
Smart Diva
This is soo beautiful God bless you sister, i will posted on my page, if that's OK.
Good Job April!! Love ya! Also Did you know that you can change the theme? Check out this Blog I made on here!
You can do the same if you chose. Peace Sis!!