Monday, March 15, 2010

From Desperation To Elevation

From Desperation To Elevation
Proverbs 17:17 " A friend loves at all times, a brother is born for adversity" As I begin to write this blog, my heart feels with "Joy" I think about all the things God has brought me through and I stay in awe of his presence. This quote is so pro found on so many different levels, because it is true, when we are in despair God places those he has chosen to help us move closer and closer toward his mark of serving him.

I remember in 07 watching the movie " Dream Girls" and the scene when Effie sings " I Am Changing" The lyrics to that song, still gives me chills, because here is woman, the has been wronged in such a horrible way, but then she is also so stubborn in her own ways, that God had to break her to bring her back to a place of "humility". He uses her talent and help from someone who saw the goodness and he helped bring her back to even a better place then she was at before. The lyrics ring so true to so many of us " Look, Look at me, I am Changing" Trying every way I can, I am changing, I'll be better than I am, I need a friend to help me start over again"

When you really listen to the lyrics, you see that when God takes everything from us, and he leaves us with only humility that is when he is getting ready to take you to a newer and better level. I can tell you, when I was back in 07 I thought my world was breaking, I loved a man so much, but I realized that was a season, and as painful as it was to finally let go, I then opened the door for something better. Then and only then, I was able to realize, this was not the man God chose for me, this was the man I wanted. (Wrong)

God used, that as a growth, see when the father is at work in our lives, he allows those bruises to prepare us for what it is he wants us to do.

How can you ever experience the joy of happiness if you never had a pain? The worst of times are more like the best of times, because it's a test of faith. If you don't have faith, then you can't meet hope, and if you have no hope than belief is out the door, and that leaves a life of emptiness.

When, I look back over the years, and I see how God chiseled off, the old self and he brought me to this place of affinity, not just for myself, but for his people, and I realize that God chooses the people that he wants to cross our path, it could be a school teacher, it could a janitor, it could even be a kid, but when he is trying to wake us up, he will use his wake up call to do it.

God wants us to live abundantly, not just for the riches of the world, and not for the superficial beauty of the world, he wants us to live for serving and making a difference, in order to have a testimony you have to have a test, and when you have passed that test you must help others past there’s too, that’s paying it forward.

I, just want all of you to know, when go down all you can do is rise up, don't let the world tell you, you can't get out off the rut, tell the rut how your God is getting ready to bring you out.

This is our year to shine, God is brining and doing the unexpected, and he is wanting you just to hold on, and prepare, for all those seeds you planted, sit back and watch them grow, and when it's all said and done, kneel and praise God for bringing you through this storm, he never forsaken you, just waited for you to trust him and surrender, now he can have his way.

Remember, the most valuable thing we have in life is LOVE: It's the way only to live
TIME: It's in the now, and it's to be lived in JOY!!!

I Love You!

One Love One Blood shed for you and me

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